Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Sheila Lendrum

Date submitted
18 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION I wish to object to the proposals for the expansion of Luton airport. Luton Borough Council has already given generously to ‘Luton Rising.’ Probably too generously, although I understand that this remains unclear in the absence of accounts. In this country we already have more than enough air transport. For the sake of the environment we must all learn to enjoy ourselves nearer home. There is much talk recently about using eco-fuel from plants for the aviation industry. The problem is that the population is rising nationally and internationally, and the world (together with our own overcrowded country) needs crops for food, NOT for making fuel. Studham,Whipsnade and Kensworth are all in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and there is good reason for this. Enjoyment of this would be ruined by more noise and pollution from aircraft. Studham Common in particular needs protection, being home to a wide variety of plants and animals - including dormice and orchids. Subsidising air transport is a subsidy for people of middle income and the rich. The poorest gain nothing. I concede that if the expansion goes ahead there would be a small number of jobs at the airport - but it would be much better for us all to create more jobs nearer where people live. Public transport needs to be expanded, creating more jobs for all levels of society. Conclusion. Instead of trying to improve our country we seem bent on destroying it. A determined effort in the fifties and sixties greatly improved cleanliness generally and London smog in particular. Why are we determined to go backwards? We need to spend money on public transport - buses and trains . We should NOT waste it on planes.