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Representation by Philip William Alderman

Date submitted
18 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I consider the planned scope and duration of this project to be hugely detrimental to the living standards of those surrounding it. The impact on the local environment both in terms of the destruction of wildlife and green spaces does not seem to have been taken seriously and could potentially devastate an entire community if the scale of the expansion is followed to the extent that has been proposed. Below are the chief points which I believe need to be addressed in regard to this proposal: - The increase in traffic caused by widening roads and introducing a vast number of traffic lights in the Wigmore area, including the reduction of pedestrian areas to accommodate this putting pedestrians at risk, as well as the increased noise and pollution this would bring into the area from all the additional vehicles on the roads. - The potential ecological hazards involved in drilling into a landfill site which is believed to contain toxic materials - not enough exploration has been done into the risks of disturbing a site that was formerly an unregulated waste dump and no explanation has been given as to how vast amounts of contaminated soil would be safely removed. This would also result in the destruction of Wigmore Valley Park which the landfill was built on, a major green space used by many local people every day and a habitat for many plants and animal species - Noise pollution. We already suffer a large amount of noise throughout the day and night due to flights continuously taking off, landing, trafficking on the runway etc. The noise levels are currently bearable but if the number of flights were to be increased by the degree intended by Luton Rising it would become intolerable. I work from home for three days every week and this would hugely affect my ability to carry out my duties, I would be forced to keep windows closed all year round regardless of outside temperatures. I am also a musician and this would impact to record and practice music. - Increased air pollution. Apparently this is not something Luton Rising believe that they have any responsibility for regardless of the impact increasing the number of flights will have. Anthony Aldridge, Programme Director of Luton Rising is quoted as saying: "When it comes to aviation emissions, the government has said it needs to be addressed at national level – it’s not for airports to look into that.". I believe this illustrates the lack of consideration for the climate and the environment that is evident throughout this proposal. - The loss of green spaces and destruction of wildlife habitats, including Wigmore Valley Park as mentioned above. The part of the proposal for an alternative green space would in no way compensate for the loss of such an important part of the local environment. In summary, I sincerely believe that unless these plans are dramatically scaled back they would hugely damage the quality of life for the majority of people living in the area, and there has not been nearly enough consideration given to the implications of such a large scale project for the people living in the vicinity, or the impact on the environment.