Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Richard Rolfe

Date submitted
18 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

If the airport were to be expanded, it would drastically increase noise pollution, this already affects my sleep schedule, negatively affecting my health and increasing my tiredness (this affects me greatly as I do shift work, requiring me change my sleep pattern every couple weeks, increased noise pollution would further interrupt this, increasing my stress and tiredness). Increased noise pollution would increase psychological stress, this raises the chances of a heart attack for those living in the village when they experience louder noises, caused by the higher number of planes landing and taking off from the airport (this is very apparent as there is a large portion of elderly residents in the village, who already are at an elevated risk of higher blood pressure / a heart attack). Air quality in the surrounding area and our residence would be reduced, caused by higher plane emissions resulting from the increased number of planes landing and taking off from the airport. Air quality would also be reduced by increased traffic travelling to and from the airport. Reduced air quality would affect the pre-school and primary school, negatively impacting the health of the young children attending the school. Increased traffic would also affect the roads we regularly use travelling to and from Luton , airport expansion would lead to increased roadworks and increased traffic resulting from the high numbers of people using the airport, this traffic would most likely affect Luton itself which is important as it would interrupt my commute to and from work which is within Luton, includes the roundabout at airport way and near Vauxhall in Luton. The airport expansion would negatively affect the wildlife in the area as the noise pollution would displace animals, especially birds.