Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Karin wragg

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our concerns/objections are 3 fold. 1). POLLUTION. Are air pollution safety checks being done?. We live directly Below the flight path. [REDACTED] Who is ensuring that the increased aviation fuel/exhaust which we shall be exposed to is safe? 2). OPERATION HOURS. It is imperative for health that we get respite from noise to sleep at night. We already despair that - despite the airport website implying first flights start after 5:30am … we often hear planes at 3am or 4am. This is VERY annoying and definitely detrimental to health. What rules shall you enforce about peace at nightime if the expansion goes ahead? 3). SOUND PROOFING:- We have already had some Visits re financial help to protect us from excess aircraft noise. However the funds offered barely touched the the surface of what is necessary to upgrade our house! If you expand what full & fair added noise insulation will you offer. We cannot just be expected to “suck it up” if the planes thundering over our street triple in frequency??