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Representation by GKN Aerospace Services Limited (GKN Aerospace Services Limited)

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

GKN Aerospace is broadly supportive of the Luton Rising proposals to expand London Luton Airport and recognises the potential for an expansion to improve the prosperity and economic strength of the town. However, the specific Airport Access Road (AAR) proposals directly impact our operational site, and would result in the loss of a tranche of land bounding Percival Way, which houses an essential aerospace manufacturing facility. Losing this building will damage our ability to deliver an important and long standing customer contract from the site. As such, we believe we are a directly affected party and GKN Aerospace needs to protect its commercial position. We request further information on how the loss of the facility from our operational site will be addressed and compensated for by Luton Rising, in order to understand the full impact on our operations. We would request an ongoing dialogue with Luton Rising to assist the Examination of the application and ensure suitable provisions are in place in the DCO to protect our interests going forwards and ensure that the proposals do not negatively affect our business. Given the voluminous nature of the documentation that accompanies the application we would be grateful for assistance from Luton Rising to facilitate this process. We are happy to enter into dialogue directly with Luton Rising on this matter.