Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Allan Howes

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Core issues relate to 3 keys areas: 1) Air Pollution - it is clearly very high in the surrounding village areas where we live. In our own garden several trees have died over recent years and this is likely down to the rising pollution levels. The airport MUST confirm that impact to public health is not a risk. Even with push towards public transport high we have seen significant increases in traffic levels; especially taxis, which add to these levels and are often not considered. 2) Impact on environment - the current airport has high impact on environment and water table, any increased would have a profound impact on the nature in the surround areas - this is over and above pollution. 3) Sustainability - there is an overall reduction in passenger numbers over recent years due to covid. As we change our habits, for example, less business travel through virtual meetings, holidays more local and potentially Drone based transport, there is not a justifiable business case for airport expansion. Indeed there is 4 other major airports (Standstead, Gatwick, Birmingham and East Midlands) competing for fewer passengers which negate the need for this expansion.