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Representation by Abdul Ahad (Abdul Ahad)

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the excessive noise levels emanating from the operations at Luton Airport. As a resident living in close proximity to the airport, I have experienced significant disturbances due to the incessant noise, which is adversely affecting my quality of life and well-being. I would like to provide specific details regarding the noise incidents that have occurred in the recent past and which are continuing on a regular basis throughout the night non-stop! The intensity of the noise was so excessive that it disrupted my sleep, hindered my ability to concentrate on important tasks, and caused undue stress and anxiety. These recurring disruptions have had a profound impact on my daily life, as well as the lives of other community members in the vicinity. Based on my understanding of local noise regulations and policies, I believe that the noise levels generated by the airport operations are exceeding the permissible limits. The noise disturbances I have experienced clearly violate these regulations, and I kindly request that immediate action be taken to rectify the situation. I work from home and to have a continuous noise ventilating through the windows at all times during the day every few minutes is highly inconvenient. I have had many colleagues that have complained on the noise and that they are not able to hear me or vice versa. In addition, my brother is unable to sleep through the night and is scared of the noise of the plane every time it passes my house. Considering the gravity of this issue, I respectfully request the following actions be taken: I would like ALL windows to be airplane noise-proof and not just one set of windows, as only one set of windows does not do and has not done justice to the overall noise that has been dispersed through my house. The following actions must also been taken into consideration: Conduct a comprehensive noise study to accurately assess the extent of the problem and identify the major sources of noise. Implement effective noise mitigation measures, such as modifying flight paths, employing noise-reducing technologies, or enforcing stricter noise control measures on aircraft operating at the airport. Ensure strict adherence to established noise regulations and policies, monitoring noise levels regularly to prevent further violations. Establish an open and transparent communication channel to keep residents informed about noise-related updates, measures taken, and progress made in addressing this issue. I urge you to address this matter with utmost urgency and provide a response to my complaint within a few months. It is crucial that the airport takes proactive steps to mitigate the noise pollution and actively engages with the affected community members to find an equitable solution. I appreciate your attention to this pressing matter and your commitment to resolving the issue of excessive airport noise. I hope that through constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts, we can work towards creating a harmonious coexistence between the airport and the surrounding community. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to a favorable resolution and your timely response. Best, Arafa