Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Vikki Miller

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My concerns are many but include the increase in crime from people travelling into the country just to commit crime. I caught burglars in my neighbours house and they had flown in to commit crime & fly out prior to being caught which is what they had done before. Increase in antisocial behaviour & people abandoning cars due to not wanting to pay for parking, all the external companies are quite a way out from the airport & some operate in an unscrupulous fashion. Air pollution, increase in noise pollution, loss of wildlife & their habitat, increase in traffic and then the massive increase in commute times which again increases pollution. Even trying to get to the train station is not easy and the promises around locals being able to use the tram between the airport & the train station didn’t materialise so I do not feel that anyone feels they can trust those making these decisions or the decisions themselves. Risk to the area from international & domestic terrorism is a valid worry because the airport will become more of a target as it will be an easier target than Heathrow or Stanstead. The Police are woefully underfunded & struggle to deal with the existing crime so would not be in a position to provide more support here that is meaningful. Increase of illegal immigrants & immigration overstayers which the council will not be able to manage or afford, along with protestors causing local chaos with a substandard local infrastructure which will be unable to cope with diversions etc. local jobs will not be local, as with every big business or employer they will go for the cheapest option so those jobs which are promised for local people will go to those willing to work for the least amount or subcontracted out therefore it’s likely to be Eastern European workers with little or no link to the area who are treated appallingly. It’s a poorly planned idea as well as short sighted. I won’t continue as I imagine others will cover those points however I am happy to discuss the matter further if you would like.