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Representation by Stop Low Flights From Luton (Stop Low Flights From Luton)

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations
  • There has previously been a lack of enforcement of planning conditions. Independent noise monitoring and effective control is now vital; - There was only very limited chance for the general public to provide commentary and views during the previous Noise Envelope Design process. The overall process is so complex with such a heavy weight of material so as to make it impenetrable for anyone other than those with highly expert and extensively resourced teams with substantial financial resources; - Luton Airport took the benefits of accelerated growth between 2014 and 2019. These benefits were not shared with local communities, particularly those in the South Harpenden area which have suffered very significantly from the airport’s growth; - Luton Rising, as a well capitalised PR function, made unilateral changes and inappropriately marketed the supposed benefits from the expansion of Luton Airport; - The Noise Envelope Design process has now been in operation for three years. It is extremely important that the effectiveness of this process is reviewed, with community stakeholder input; - One way of testing the NED is to revisit whether it would have prevented Luton Airport’s consistent and flagrant noise breaches between 2017 and 2019; - Previous errors in noise monitoring and modelling mean that an improved standard of monitoring / modelling is now required. - The noise from aircraft departures for communities outside the defined contours continues to be horrendous. One, well understood, factor here is that departing aircraft are deliberately held low due to the hugely overcrowded airspace. Luton Rising, which has evidence from the NED to this effect has, however, conveniently and unilaterally chosen to de-emphasise, if not effectively ignore, the extent of this issue.