Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Karen Bewick

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The pressure on the local environment and local population from the never ending expansion plans of Luton Airport is too much. Luton is one of the most deprived places in the UK but the Council make no attempt at alternative inward investment or regeneration schemes, simply relying on expanding the Airport as their one trick pony. When we moved to Cockernhoe Lu2 in 2016, the noise and pollution from the airport was manageable, in 2022 we left the area because we could no longer take the constant noise and demoralising threat of over ambitious anti social expansion. On numerous days we had to keep our windows shut as the smog and noise from the roads, plus the overpowering taste and smell of high octane fuel made breathing difficult. I know of numerous people who have moved away from the area, people who were valuable contributors to the local economy but who could not stand living near the airport and witnessing all local green spaces under constant pressure of extinction. Wigmore Park is a green lung in an otherwise very badly polluted, 60s concrete town. During covid (when the economy of the airport reliant town collapsed and the council went bankrupt) it was a vital lifeline to help people exercise and care for their physical and mental wellbeing. It also provides a space for local businesses to thrive such as catering, dog walkers and sports trainers. The green belt land adjacent to the airport is also under threat from a proposal to build 2500 houses. Where exactly does Luton expect trees to grow (vital to creating oxygen for living beings), pollution to be absorbed and other species except our own to live? Do other species just not matter to the planning system? The corrupt nature of the link between the local authority and the airport should also be terminated. Luton should not get to mark their own homework when it comes to planning applications! Please prevent the overreliance on the one bit of infrastructure that is the airport, so as to encourage Luton Council to develop alternative economic schemes that have longevity, resilience and which build a more flourishing Luton. Please help save the only green space left.