Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Fiona Duggett

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As nearby residents, my family and I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport because of the detrimental effects on us, the local community and the environment. The noise we hear caused by planes manoeuvring around the airport, taking off and flying across our rural village is already having a significant negative impact on our quality of life. The planes disrupt our sleep and ruin time we try to enjoy the garden. We can still hear them clearly with all our windows and doors tightly closed and it is impacting our mental health. We also have serious concerns about how airport expansion would contribute to a rise in air pollution associated with increased aircraft movements and ground transportation. For the sake of the surrounding communities now and the generations to come, I urge you to refuse further expansion of Luton airport.