Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Gillian Mary Chegwyn

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this application. I regard the main issues to be; 1 the negative carbon emissions impact of this infrastructure in terms of its manufacture and usage on global warming and biodiversity. This goes against Gov. policy and their commitment to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. The UN, the IPCC, the International Energy Agency, NASA, the Government's own Climate Change Committee, plus many other reputable bodies, all confirm that we need to lower carbon emissions. There is a global scientific consensus about this. 2 Air pollution levels in Luton are already at unsafe levels for for NO2, PM25 and very nearly for PM10. This proposed expansion would undoubtedly worsen this situation. Luton was named the worst black spot for air pollution in 2020, More than one in 18 deaths in the town are related to long term exposure to air pollution, according to new estimates in Centre for Cities’ annual study of the UK’s major urban areas. The proportion of deaths related to the toxin PM2.5 were reported to be highest in Luton, with the latest data linking it to 93 deaths in just one year. The figure equates to 6.2% of all adult deaths in the town. This is unacceptable. 3 The proposal would seriously further impact the quality of life for those in surrounding areas. In addition to air pollution, there would be eg. increased noise, sleep deprivation, traffic, fuel discharge, loss of amenity and the associated health impacts of these. I often have my sleep disturbed by early and late flights. 4 The proposal relies on unproven technology to make it viably "Green". It is unsustainable. 5 Just at the time when we need a global, concerted effort to tackle climate breakdown before it is too late, this proposal points in the opposite direction in a hugely damaging way for the local community, the S East of England and life on Earth.