Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Feroza Bartlett

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Proposed Expansion to Luton Airport 18 million to 32 million Passengers I wish to strongly oppose any expansion of Luton airport, especially the proposal to increase passengers to 32 million a year, for the following reasons: Noise I live less than a mile from the current runway and planes take off and fly regularly near my house. I am disturbed in the house both night and day, and my ability to sleep is regularly affected, even more so if my windows are open, as in this current heatwave. The early morning flights i.e at 6.30 regularly disturb me, and this has become a pattern where I wake, unnecessarily at this time. It is especially bad if I am in my garden and walking/riding in the area which I do daily. [REDACTED] and if a plane goes over, if I am talking to someone/or am on the phone I am unable to hear due to the aircraft noise, especially when outdoors. This regularly affects me when I walk and ride locally. These issues have a significant impact on me every day and night, with planes at peak times passing every few minutes - if the number of passengers is almost doubled, especially with more night flights it will be twice as bad. Air Pollution [REDACTED}. Luton is reportedly one of the most polluted towns in England, in a large part due to the airport, the MI and traffic. My health is currently affected by the airport, and it will be much exacerbated if the growth is agreed. You can at times smell fuel that has been dumped, though this is denied by the airport. Hertfordshire County Council has very recently advertised on its information site that “Air pollution is one of the biggest health risks facing everyone in the UK., stating it can cause respiratory infections, heart disease, lung cancer, and premature death. That there is no safe level of exposure to air pollution both long term and short term exposure can affect your health , especially if you have health conditions affecting the heart or lungs. I believe I am thus affected. Light Pollution The sky at night in Breachwood Green is lit up by the airport lights and buildings, damaging peace, sleep, and affecting local wildlife. (Redacted) At a time of serious global warming, and a target to attain Net Zero by 2050 to prevent the rise in temperatures exceeding 1.5 degrees, it is madness and immoral to increase the number of flights, which cause a large proportion of the emissions. The world and people are already suffering from severe heat waves, floods and undue weather events even before this increase. It is our children and grandchildren’s future and we should not be increasing flights which will only make things worse. Luton Council has declared a Climate Emergency – it should not be encouraging cheap flights and expansion. The UK Committee for Climate Change has made it clear that aviation growth must be halved to meet Net Zero by 2050. London Stansted has already been given permission to expand, so there is no need to expand another airport in the South East of England. Environmental Destruction The proposed expansion of the airport will lead to the destruction of the local countryside, including Wigmore Park which recently won an award for the park with the most wildlife in the UK. It is a haven for wildlife on the edge of Luton and has orchids and other important flora. The trees and plants are mature, and the promise of planting a new area will not replace a green space that has developed over decades. It is used as a leisure facility by many people in Luton and the surrounding areas and should be protected. Risk Wigmore Park and the current perimeter of the Airport were built on the former Luton Dump. There are likely to be hazardous materials buried, and methane. Moving tons of materials to raise parts of the valley and reduce others, to enable the new terminal, parking and airport stands is hazardous. Luton topography makes it particularly unsuitable for an airport. Traffic The village and area where I live is rural, and local roads were originally cart tracks and not made for the large number of vehicles using them today. To get into Luton and access the M1, especially at rush hour, I am affected by frequent traffic jams and delays. The MI, A505 are frequently at a standstill due to the large amount of traffic. An additional 13 million passengers a year will make this significantly worse ( as well as the corresponding increase in pollution). The Lower Luton Road has already become a rat run for people driving to the airport, causing problems. Economic Benefits The Luton Council is loudly promoting the economic benefits of the airport. Yet it has lost money during the Pandemic and more recently due to the reduction in passenger numbers. They predict massive numbers of new jobs locally, to encourage support for the airport, but this is disingenuous as most jobs will be specialist and thus not available to locals. Conflict of Interests Luton Council own and finance the aiport. There is a conflict of interests where they decide on increasing its size. Services to children, disabled people and elderly people have been cut, yet millions of pounds have been borrowed and spent on airport expansion. The much publicised and praised DART cost £200m but is only valued at £80. This is all immoral. Opposition The local MP Bim Afolami, and the County and Local Councils (other than Luton) are all opposing this expansion. Conclusion I am totally opposed to the proposed expansion, as it will adversely affect (redacted) and is disastrous for the environment and the necessity to reduce emissions and global warming.