Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Jonathan P Andrews

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Lack of public consultation and representation of public views. Removal of trees in Airport Way to Amended Flight paths which increase noise levels. Increased air pollution levels making LUTON a more unhealthy place to live. The motorist is the enemy not the planes which are key polluters. Traffic congestion and increased volume of cars entering fringe residential areas. Further erosion of the green belt. Emergency Services not bolstered to cope with increased risk levels arising from crashes or terrorist activity. Biased agenda of our council to support the airport expansion but not deliver the core services residents pay for through council tax. Projects like Dart putting tax payer at risk due to high borrowing and funding provision which in circumstances like COVID could render the council insolvent. Lack of transparency about key decisions taken behind closed doors and hidden from public scrutiny. Motorway links being more difficult for residents to access. Inadequate and unreliable rail services in this town not being fit for purpose. deliver an unnecessary dual carriageway. Adverse effects on UK Tourism.