Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Amanda Pearce

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposal due to the following reasons: 1. Increase in noise disturbance at my home due to increased aircraft movements. Supposed insulation schemes do nothing to mitigate noise during Summer months when we want our windows open and to spend time outdoors. New jets are not much quieter than older aircraft and the night flight programme causes sleep disturbance currently, let alone a huge increase in passenger numbers. 2. Destruction of Wigmore Valley Park is unacceptable due to it's wildlife benefits including rare orchids and amenity for the local residents. Proposed relocation of park is located away from Wigmore and would require car transport to access. The park was given as a community asset by the council and should stay this way for future generations. 3. Destruction of green belt land and loss of agricultural land. We should be maximising food production in this country to ensure food security. 4. Unsuitable site of expansion due to local topography. Located in very steep undulating land, bounded on one side by a cliff. 5. Increased light pollution in the vicinity including expanding the current perimeter of the airport much closer to my property in Darley Hall. 6. Disruption of important chalk aquifers which feed into the very rare chalk streams such as the River Mimram. 7. Increased traffic on local single track lanes for staff and passenger movements. 8. Urbanisation of beautiful countryside belonging to Hertfordshire for a Luton Borough Council expansion 9. Expansion justification not proven in the current economic and environmental climate. Cheap flights cannot be sustained at the levels forecast.