Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Christina McElligott

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The expansion of Luton Airport is a huge concern to me as a single parent of 2 children living with me. My main concern is that the value of my house, which I own, will devalue considerably as will all the houses in our village that are not owned by the council. This means that I will never be able to afford to move and so do I have to resign myself to living in the village for the rest of my life with planes going directly over my house constantly, bringing with it a tonne of pollution not to mention the incessant noise of aircraft? Furthermore, the noise level has already increased and if the expansion goes ahead, it seems it will get to the point where the planes are flying directly over my house constantly and we will never be able to hear ourselves think or even talk to each other! Already, it is impossible to sit in our garden if you actually want to talk to each other. I do appreciate that the Airport offered us a small contribution to get a couple of re-enforced windows but this is of absolutely no help in the summer months as the windows need to be open and to be honest, they need to be open most of the year to ventilate the house. We cannot to leave our windows open at night either, which during this heatwave is tough going, because of the late night and super early times the planes start and finish flying. At the moment, it is tolerable but it feels like it is going to be a living nightmare if this goes ahead and we will literally be bombarded with aircraft after aircraft.