Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Sue Eldridge

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• Planning conditions were imposed to safeguard residential amenity and to accord with the objectives of Policy LP1 and LLA1 of the Luton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. Nothing has changed since the grant of the 2012 application to reduce the need to safeguard residential amenity and the airport has operated in violation of noise contours since 2017 and no doubt will continue to do so. • The application provides no evidence of the extent of any economic growth to justify the increase in capacity and the current cost of living crisis would make any such assessment almost impossible to predict. • The Climate Change Committee (CCC) recommends that there should be no net expansion of UK airport capacity. The current plan as submitted is not in line with CCC recommendations. • The proposed extension constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt • Local residents around the airport have suffered adverse effects of over-optimistic estimates made by the airport owner and operations in contravention of planning conditions for many years. This is unacceptable and no further amendments to planning conditions should be made. • The proposed public transport provisions are inadequate, and the increase car journeys to and from the airport will cause increased congestion in the area. • Such significant additional expansion will clog local roads and cause more carbon emissions and create unsustainable environmental and health damage. The impact on local residents as regards noise, air pollution and night flights are unacceptable. • Local residents already have to contend with local streets being used as ‘car parks’ by airport customers.