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Representation by Campbell family (Campbell family)

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We reluctantly accept that there is a need for the airport to expand and that there will be an increase in daytime flights and noise accordingly. The airport propose that the number of night flights should stay as it is currently. We object to this, and look at Heathrow Airport, and the work it has done to considerably reduce the number of night flights, and corresponding noise. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted the impact of noise on health. They advocate for a limit of 30dB(A) for good sleep quality, and an annual average of 40dB(A). Noise disturbance affects disproportionately those who work shifts, are chronically ill and the elderly(WHO information sheet, noise, 27 April 2010). Heathrow has a limit of 5,800 movements on a throughput of 67m passengers. Luton is aiming for 32m passengers, so at maximum should be allowed 2,900 movements between 2300-0600. This compromise will let the local community get some sleep at night, whilst having minimal impact of the overall operations of the airport. The impact (s5.03) of the environmental statement shows that the number of homes in scope for noise in excess of the above levels is huge- including vast areas of both Luton and Stevenage. We accept that we live in close proximity to an International Airport, and that people will continue to want to fly, however the night-time impacts must be minimsed so that people can sleep. Accepting that day-time noise levels will increase should be mitigated by decreasing (as proposed above) the night-time noise levels. Suggesting that new aircraft will be quieter does not reassure as there is acceptance that some of the newer aircraft are not meeting the promises of the manufacturers.