Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Zenobia Lewis

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to register my strong opposition to the expansion of Luton Airport. I find it shocking that in this day and age of the climate crisis, an expansion of a major UK airport is even being considered. We, as a country, should be ploughing money and effort into improving and exploring development of sustainable transport options, not expanding aviation. Indeed, the UN has recommended that no airport should be permitted to expanded. The fact that the planned expansion would, amongst other negative impacts, result in the bulldozing of Wigmore Valley Park, is even more deplorable. The expansion will result in huge carbon emissions, both in terms of construction, and the functioning of the expanded airport. To enable this whilst also destroying an important carbon sink, that is also a much loved and used civic space, seems preposterous. I hope Luton Borough Council rethink their plans and stop this absurdity.