Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Emily Spry

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main objections to this project are 1. The climate crisis, more short haul travel is condemning us all to a disastrous future 2. Local air and noise pollution. Local residents deserve better. 3. Conflict of interests... The Council using it's power and influence to influence these decisions and make more money (or pay back it's debts!) rather than doing what's best for the people it supposedly serves. (the claim about more jobs doesn't sit well with me... It means more zero hours contracts while the profits go elsewhere) 4. The airport isn't trust worthy... Previous planning constraints on noise and numbers have been broken repeatedly. Who holds them to account? Don't accept any green washing. Luton Airport expansion is a bad idea all round. Thanks for reading!