Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by The Bluemel family (The Bluemel family)

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We object most strongly to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport on the following grounds:- • Climate Change Climate change is the biggest and most dangerous threat to civilisation and our planet. The top scientists have proved and warned us of the risks, which are now occurring worldwide, such as flood and droughts and every one of us should be taking responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint. Care of the environment should be our most important priority. Money and profit should not even be considered in this equation. The Airport’s website shows lovely pictures of blossom and nature. Complete ‘Greenwash’! Even the Airport’s website states ‘We are also completely aware that airports cause much that is not good: carbon emissions, noise, road traffic and air pollution.’ • Noise Night aircraft noise is recognised as being detrimental to health. When our patterns of sleep are disturbed our overall health suffers. If the airport allows more flights than it was allowed it would breach its legal agreement to operate within noise limits. Our environment has become noisier over time and we need to reduce noise levels, not increase them. Our NHS is at breaking point and we do not need more stress-related illnesses. Quality of life will be lost and noise blight will devalue homes and harm lives. • Pollution Roads would become even more congested carrying not only passengers and staff but a huge amount of commercial vehicles linked to the airport. This expansion would cause 60% more carbon emissions and create unsustainable environmental and health damage. A report states that people living near heavily congested roads stand a 10% increased risk of developing lung illnesses including cancer. It would appear that resident’s health is not on LLA’s priority list. As mentioned, our NHS is overwhelmed. We do not need more patients affected by pollution-related illnesses. • Employment LLA states that thousands of new jobs will be created. We live in an area where there is already good employment and even talk on the News of recruiting more people from abroad to fill vacancies! This would encourage even more people to a very congested area which would mean more building on our endangered Green Belt. • Conflict of Interest The only benefit of this proposed expansion would be financial to Luton Borough Council, who owns the Airport. The fact that LBC has approved and passed its own planning application is a conflict of interest. Something else LBC has chosen to ignore. • Consultation with Local Residents We have attended many of Luton Airport’s consultations with local residents over the years and every time we are warmly greeted by smart, suited representatives of the airport who listen intently to our views, only to ignore them completely. What is the point of a consultation if resident’s views are not considered? A complete waste of time – just an exercise of ‘going through the motions’. No one is fooled anymore but insulted that his/her opinions are blatantly ignored and not respected. The airport is not interested in working with local people or helping to protect the environment, only in making profits. Consequently, in the interest of all, this expansion should definitely not go ahead.