Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Deb Swinney

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • Luton Airport previous applied for expansion to 18m people which it said would be sufficient until 2028. It's now applying for expansion to 32m people. - Previous applications for expansion have included promises to reduce noise impact and environmental impact which have been unmet. There's no reason to believe that promises this time will be met, as they're unenforced. - At the same time, promises to reduce impact are used to reduce any compensation paid to local residents because of the argument that the impact will be "low". - The expansion is likely to cause a 60% increase in carbon emissions at a time when countries globally are trying to reduce carbon emissions. - I moved into my house (below the landing path) in 2014. In the period 2014-2023, noise impact has increased significantly, not only in my garden but even inside my house where I have to turn up the TV to hear it over the noise of planes during summer evenings. (I have double glazing and the recommended amounts of insulation, the noise goes straight through the walls). - In summary, I think that the impact will be significantly larger than Luton Airport claim, and I strongly oppose the plan.