Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Steve Hawkins

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is no such thing as the 'sustainable development' of an airport! This council has been forced into a state of perpetual, suicidal (for future generations) overdevelopment for a generation already because of cuts to funding for local services from central government (this in itself stemming from government's refusal to reign in the development industry, which has been allowed to reverse population decline, that might have saved us, by continuous overdevelopment for short term profit --indeed like this continuous insane airport building--that has drawn in population so fast that all the population growth for Europe this century has taken place in the UK--nearly all of it in England!). As a result, it is already impossible for the UK to exist for much longer, and England will certainly not be able to feed itself by around 2050 when the international trade in food will have collapsed through climate change and population growth exhaustion of natural food resources from the oceans, and the loss of soils and emptying of the aquifers that most of the world population has foolishly depended on, and run them dry. In addition to this, sea level rise is going to destroy the low lying agricultural deltas of Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Egypt, and displace their populations to god knows where, and California's Central Valley will be reconnected to the sea, much of Florida will be submerged, the Great Plains (and Indo-Gangetic Plain) that the world depends on for much of its grains are dependent on fossil water that is not being replenished, in addition to which they are being hit regularly by unsurvivable temperatures over 40C already! In the UK, we are likely to lose much of the Thames Basin and Somerset Levels, and East Anglia, as successive govenments opt to progress insane development projects like HS2 and all the airport and port expansions, that are themselves only intended to enable yet more insanely unsurvivable development, when they could have been trying to build polders like Holland, that might have saved some of it. All this insane 'development for the construction industry's sake' will only continue to draw in millions more fools onto the sinking ship that is the UK! Soon there will be societal breakdown, and only the rich speculators who caused it all will be able to get away to New Zealand--if even they can still feed themselves by the end of the century. I hold you--The 'Planning' (ha ha) Inspectorate--jointly responsible, with the political parties and the developers and speculators and money launderers that fund them all, for the wilful sacrifice of the UK and all its people, just for the hubris of believing you can ignore the laws of physics and thermodynamics, and keep 'growing' forever, on one small island, that has not been able to feed itself off its own produce for over half a century, when the population was half what it is set to be when the end comes much sooner than you think, because you have always ignored the scientists, and the scientists have always tried to play it down, for fear of being called alarmist. The end result has been plain to see, for all who follow the science, and have observed human nature and politics in action, for half a century. It has been like watching a slow motion train crash from afar: powerless to do anything to avert it, but still compelled to try, through many many many pointless pleas like this one, and a lifetime wasted preparing 'proofs of evidence', and replying to 'public consultations' that are only intended to be exercises in wearing down the public, before allowing absolutely any lunatic or just plain spitefully destructive 'plan' as soon as the furore dies down. For the last half century, the world has been led on an intense navel gazing exercise, trying to measure small changes in temperature, that seem totally insignificant to the majority of people, while the signs of environmental breakdown were crashing and melting and burning all around! Concentrating on temperature measurement and calling it 'global warming', was like calling the shadow of an approaching asteroid the thing to worry about, rather than the asteroid itself. By the time you are sure the shadow is getting larger, you are about to be hit. Well it's too late now, and you have gifted your children and grandchildren an unimaginably horrific nightmare to deal with. Well done you. I trust it was nice for you while it lasted.