Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by David Bromet Phillips

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My wife and I have lived in Kimpton for 17 years. We have noticed an enormous increase in the number of flights from Luton Airport over this period. The flights start around 6am and continues throughout the day and well into the evening, with flights up to midnight and a few during the early hours (mostly then DHL flights). The noise from the airport carries across the fields to Kimpton and particularly so if there is a North and North East wind blowing. With the wind primarily in that direction, the Easterly runway is used with flights often making a sharp climbing turn to the right and passing over the air corridor with our house on the edge. We also have increasingly flights emanating from Gatwick and Heathrow on a Northern route. When we were first made aware of the plans for the significant expansion of the airport, I contacted the Airport Authority and invited them to establish a noise monitor in our village. I received no response. Whilst the Covid endemic was terrible, what we noticed straight away was how quiet the village was with no planes flying. Luton Council and Bedfordshire benefit from the income that is generated from the airport and whilst they understandably point out all the advantages of increasing the passengers from 18 to 32 million, they are taking little or no account of the quality of life that they are ruining. We have to cope with the constant noise from the planes, coupled with the pollution that accompanies every flight. The airport exists on a comparatively small area and there is no room (thank goodness) for a second runway but what they seek is to almost double the number of flights every day. Our village and all the surrounding areas will suffer accordingly. This will also have a direct impact on the infrastructure of the roads in our area that can't cope now with current traffic. The roads surfaces pay testament to this. The intention is to sell the idea of Luton Airport providing crucial air connectivity to support and attract international businesses, and also providing extra work for the myriad of people required to cope with the expansion plans. Where is everyone going to live? Luton Airport is, in my opinion, already too large and no further expansion should be allowed. Stansted, Gatwick and Heathrow are much better able to cope.