Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by The Gilpin Household (The Gilpin Household)

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is too much aircraft noise already, this proposal will almost double the amount of noise we have to suffer. Our house is literally the last house that aircraft fly over when they are landing from a westerly direction and the aircraft are only a few hundred feet above it. They are even noisier, flying over the house, when taking off in a westerly direction. Airport noise affects us every day, whether we are conversing between ourselves or with neighbours, both inside the house and, more annoyingly, in the garden. Conversations have to be stopped and watching television sometimes becomes impossible, due to the frequency of flights. Night flights wake us up and also stop us getting to sleep, as they quite often continue well after midnight, when they should have stopped. Together with being woken up during the night and early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep again, ( there are often quite a few flights close together between 6am and 8am ), this cannot be good for one's health. Also on the subject of health, quite often in the summer months you can taste the fumes from the aircraft, which again cannot be healthy. As I understand it, the method used to measure aircraft noise doesn't take into account the frequency of the flights, but gives an average noise level over the day. What is really annoying is when the aircraft are continually landing or taking off every minute or less and this should be reflected somehow in the noise figures. 60 planes in an hour is a lot more disturbing than 60 planes in 2 or 3 hours. Approving this application would undoubtedly give us the situation where every hour of the day would be busy and therefore unbearable. If the application is approved, (heaven forbid) there should be NO night flights allowed at all, in order to give some relief from the noise. This amount of expansion would have a significant effect on property prices in the area and make houses, particularly those directly under the flightpath, more difficult to sell. This is something which we are very concerned about. In the area where we live, no new housing is allowed to be built because the noise levels breach regulations. Surely this is a good reason not to deliberately introduce more noise here.