Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Joseph Kelly

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as outlined in the recent Application submitted by Luton Rising. As a resident of the affected area and a concerned member of the community, I believe that the expansion plans overlook crucial factors and fail to address the significant negative impacts on the local environment, infrastructure, and quality of life for residents. I would like to highlight several key objections to the expansion plans: 1. Lack of Local Council Support: It is disconcerting that all local Councils, with the exception of Luton Borough Council, oppose the expansion. This broad opposition from neighbouring communities should not be disregarded and calls into question the validity and viability of the project. This project is targeted to benefit one community in the immediate vicinity of Luton but is entirely to the detriment of the wider population with the impact on them not costed into this project. 2. Insufficient Measures to Minimize Impact: The Application fails to provide any meaningful measures to mitigate the adverse effects of construction and airport operations outside of Luton Borough. The lack of consideration for neighbouring villages and towns demonstrates a disregard for the well-being of the wider community and their right to be protected from negative externalities. 3. Inadequate Long-Term Plan and Compensation: The Application lacks a comprehensive long-term plan to address the concerns of villages and towns beyond a narrowly defined area. Furthermore, there is a distinct absence of fair compensation for communities impacted by the expansion but not included within the limited compensation zone. This oversight is both unjust and deeply concerning. If properly costed it would likely make the expansion economically. Households should also have been compensated for the substantial expansion that has already taken place. 4. Lack of Transparency on Job Creation: Luton Rising claims that the expansion will create 12,000 jobs, but the Application fails to provide detailed information regarding the nature of these jobs. Crucial details such as the breakdown of temporary versus permanent positions, full-time versus part-time, and the extent of job creation in the supply chain remain undisclosed. Without this information, it is impossible to accurately assess the true employment benefits of the expansion. 5 Demand does not exist to support the expansion. 6 Most of the flights from the airport are tourist flights abroad and private jets - both of which extract wealth from the UK economy and are therefore undesirable. During the construction phase, we anticipate experiencing a range of detrimental effects: 7. Increased Traffic and Delays: The influx of site workers traveling to and from the construction site during peak morning and evening hours will result in a significant increase in traffic through villages like Bendish and Whitwell. Given the current congestion issues on surrounding single-track roads, this surge in traffic will cause substantial delays and inconvenience for local residents. 8. Damage to Infrastructure: The use of local lanes by heavy goods vehicles for material transportation to the site poses a considerable risk to our already fragile single-track road infrastructure. The increased frequency of such vehicles will accelerate the degradation of road surfaces and compromise the safety of residents who rely on these roads. 9. Noise and Pollution: The escalated traffic volume will inevitably lead to an upsurge in noise levels and air pollution, further deteriorating the quality of life for residents in the vicinity. The negative impact on our health and well-being cannot be underestimated. 10. Negative Impact on Environment: The expansion plans pay insufficient attention to the detrimental effects on the rural environment, including the ecology and biodiversity of the area. The loss of natural habitats and disruption of delicate ecosystems will irreversibly harm our local environment. 11. Increased Risk of Accidents: The surge in traffic resulting from the expansion poses a heightened risk of accidents on our already strained road network. The safety of residents and commuters must be prioritized and adequately addressed in any development plan. Once the airport is operational, additional adverse effects are expected: 12. Curtailment of Recreational Space: The potential 78% increase in flights over Bendish and surrounding areas would restrict our ability to enjoy outdoor spaces for recreational purposes. The increased noise and presence of aircraft will significantly impede our quality of life and limit our use of local outside areas. 12. Escalation of Aircraft Noise Pollution: The expansion will inevitably lead to a marked increase in aircraft noise pollution, causing ongoing disturbance and discomfort for residents in the vicinity. The frequency and intensity of these intrusions will have a detrimental impact on our daily lives and overall well-being. 13. Rise in Night Flights: Given the projected passenger numbers, it is highly likely that an increase in night flights will be required to accommodate demand. This anticipated increase in nocturnal air traffic will disrupt our sleep patterns, jeopardizing our health and overall quality of life. 14. Environmental Implications: The expansion will result in elevated levels of air pollution and emissions from aircraft. This will have a detrimental effect on both local air quality and our collective efforts to achieve the Government's Net-Zero targets. The absence of a comprehensive plan to address these environmental concerns is deeply concerning. 15. Strain on Infrastructure: The predicted surge in passenger numbers will invariably lead to increased traffic through villages such as Bendish, placing immense strain on our already inadequate single-track road infrastructure. The resulting road congestion, damage, accidents, and blockages will negatively impact the daily lives of residents and commuters alike. 16. Further Damage to Environment: The expansion plans pay insufficient regard to the profound negative impact on the rural environment, including its ecology and biodiversity. Failing to address these concerns will contribute to the ongoing degradation of our natural surroundings and undermine the sustainability of the region. Furthermore, the proposed compensation scheme outlined in the Application, specifically for the "Scheme 5" area, is wholly inadequate. A mere £4,000 contribution towards improved noise insulation is a derisory offer that fails to account for the true extent of the impact on affected households. This token gesture falls far short of providing adequate resources to mitigate the adverse effects of the expansion on the affected communities. This funding is only currently provided to a very narrow noise corridor and is entirely at the discretion of the airport - ie it a PR gesture only and in practice the funding provided historically has been derisory. Finally, I am deeply concerned about the lack of consideration given to how this expansion aligns with the Government's Net-Zero targets. The suggested initiative to plant a few hectares of broad-leaf trees, which will take several decades to mature, is a superficial and insufficient response. The expansion plans must encompass a comprehensive strategy to actively support the country's environmental goals, rather than merely paying lip service to sustainability. In light of these objections, I urge you to reconsider the proposed expansion plans for Luton Airport and to engage in meaningful consultation with all relevant stakeholders, including local councils and impacted communities. It is imperative that the long-term well-being and interests of the affected residents and the environment are given priority over short-term gains. I kindly request that you acknowledge receipt of this objection letter and provide an assurance that it will be duly considered in the decision-making process.