Representation by Elisabeth Helen Bird
- Date submitted
- 23 June 2023
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads from the villages to the airport and to the M1 are not too bad especially since the work at junction 10 but slip end has Airparks with buses running every 15 minutes and parking for several cars, will this route and parking be affected by the addtional number of passengers? Will the skys become more noisy. Where are the additional parking be located. Will this affect the surrounding villages and the wigmore area. I own a property in the village of slip end and another in Wigmore, how will these properties, their value and any legal searches be impacted when we look to sell in the future? I am interested in how the expansion will impact our daily lives, the traffic and the environment plus if property values will be affected.