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Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

RELEVANT REPRESENTATION OF THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (THE “IET”) IN RESPECT OF LONDON LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION TR020001: Application by London Luton Airport Limited (“Applicant”) for an Order Granting Development Consent for the London Luton Airport Expansion project (“Application”) 1. Introduction 1.1 This relevant representation is submitted for and on behalf of the IET in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Infrastructure Planning (Interested Parties and Miscellaneous Prescribed Provisions) Regulations 2015. 1.2 The IET would like to register as an interested party through submission of this relevant representation. 1.3 The IET understands from the Section 56 notice from the Applicant dated the 9 May 2023 that it has been identified as someone who may be entitled to make a relevant claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the Proposed Development. The IET assumes that it is a category 3 person for the purposes of section 56(2)(d) of the Planning Act 2008. The IET understands that none of its land or interests in land is required for the Proposed Development and that the Applicant is not proposing to use compulsory acquisition powers to acquire its property. 1.4 This relevant representation is based on information available at the date of DCO application submission and the Section 56 notice received by the IET. The IET reserves the ability to submit further written representations should further information become available during Examination of the Application which alters its position. 2. Overview of the IET 2.1 The IET is a world leading multidisciplinary professional engineering institution which is working to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing its members (of which there are 154,000 in over 150 countries), engineers and technicians, and all those who are touched by, or touch, the work of engineers. 2.2 The IET represents the engineering profession in matters of public concern and assists governments to make the public aware of engineering and technological issues. It provides advice on all areas of engineering, including advising parliament and other agencies. 2.3 The IET’s Head Office is located at King’s Way, Stevenage. The office accommodates approximately 480 staff. Staff commute to the office from a number of locations, including West Midlands and Northamptonshire utilising major traffic routes which include the A1(M) and the A602. 3. Summary of IET’s main issues and impacts 3.1 The IET’s Head Office is located in close proximity to and accessed via the A1(M) and A602. The town of Stevenage is located approximately 6 miles south of Hitchin. 3.2 Whilst the IET does not object to the principle of the Proposed Development, it requires a better understanding of the likely impacts of the Proposed Development on its property and business, in particular, as a result of construction as well as operational traffic arising from the scheme. 3.3 Chapter 18, paragraph 18.9.8 of the Environmental Statement provides as follows: “It is possible that some construction traffic may use the A505/A602 route to connect with the A1 corridor, but this would be limited by the CTMP which will discourage any construction traffic, other than that which would have an unrealistic diversion, from using the route.’ 3.4 Noting the proximity of its Head Office to the A602 and A1(M), the IET wishes to understand what construction routes are proposed by the Proposed Development, alongside the likely impacts of the construction traffic associated with Proposed Development on its business. It also wishes to have assurances that the A505/A602 route will not be used during construction. 3.5 In addition, paragraph 4.2.3 of Appendix 18.3 of the Environmental Statement (the outline Construction Traffic Management Plan (“CTMP”)) indicates that there will be some use of roads around Stevenage (as well as Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock). For the same reason set out in paragraph 3.4 above, the IET wishes to understand precisely which roads are proposed to be used within Stevenage and how impacts on its business are proposed to be mitigated and managed by the Applicant. 3.6 The IET is also concerned about the impacts of increased traffic in and around Stevenage following operation of the Proposed Development. 4 Conclusion 4.1 The IET is concerned about construction traffic associated with the Proposed Development, as well as increased traffic during operation. 4.2 The IET would be interested to participate during Examination in relation to any transport assessment review, discussions relating to the CTMP, local impact reports and written traffic related topics and discussions. 4.3 Please note that further issues may also need to be raised during the Examination and the IET respectfully reserves the right to appear at any associated issue-specific or open-floor hearing.