Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Ivinghoe Parish Council (Ivinghoe Parish Council)

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Ivinghoe PC has concerns about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport for the following reasons:- It will have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of our parishioners because :- a) An increase in flights will increase noise pollution during the day and extend that noise into the night and early morning. (IPC already receive many complaints about existing noise pollution from flights to and from Luton). IPC understands that no noise monitoring is done in our area due to inadequacies in the technology used to do so. b) Due to increased flights there will also be an increase in passenger and freight road traffic to Luton through our villages which were never built to stand the current volume of traffic let alone any increases. There are no ground transport links from our area to Luton Airport so the villages will suffer from increased local traffic as well as increased through traffic. c) Our parish is also just outside the noise mitigation zone offered by Luton Airport. d) As our parish is in the flight zones of, Heathrow, Stansted & Luton. 1 of which is expanding and Luton is looking to expand, our parish will suffer a double effect of increased air traffic. It will have a detrimental effect on the environment because :- a) An increased in flights will increase noise, light and traffic pollution over our AONB disturbing our native and in some cases rare wildlife. b) An increased in flights will increase the use of fossil fuels and further exacerbate global warming. c) As our parish is one of the few dark parishes, we have recently invested in a move from sodium lightening to LED and additional aircraft flights over the parish during the night will negate all the good work we have invested in.