Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Ms.Allison Fordyce

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Main issues and impacts - summary: 1. Wigmore Wildlife Park - removal threat A site of great biodiversity, home to many species, jobs for staff and educational venue for the Public, especially the next generation. Luton Aiport's claim it would support environmental concerns are hollow as the expansion would largely destroy this valuable wildlife space. The UK is one of the most land-depleted countries in Europe and the world. Luton Airport Management needs to identify and exploit market and economic opportunities within its existing sites- getting creative about how it develops economic growth within its current borders without encroaching further onto surrounding landscapes. 2. Infrastructure impacts- noise, road and movement. With Luton airport's desire for greater numbers of flights comes a plethora of supporting impacts: a)Noise pollution- over the past few months, I have noticed a far greater number of take off flights rather than landings and the noise levels, especially when flights change paths in response to weather conditions, increasing. An increase in flights will lead to greater overnight flights affecting local community night time noise pollution. For an entire economy to function and for health reasons, people need enough time to rest properly. Environmentally, noise pollution will reach unacceptable levels, both from flights and the subsequent traffic airports produce. b) Road infrastructure impacts - East to West, roads in this area are totally unsuitable for an increase in traffic & should not be expected to cater for greater numbers of cars. South from the M1, congestion is already at a peak several times of the day.With another runway, I would question Luton Airports stated limits on parking and transport infrastructures, as once permission is given once, the company will not stop in its efforts to expand further. Accidents and costs of road maintenance will also expedentialy increase, affecting levels of fuel and noise pollution. There are times the air is filled with the smell of flight fuel and more is not wanted. These pressures are completely unwelcome. c) Long term environmental protection of green belt land , tree species & human mental health: These belts were originally set up with a view to protecting green spaces across the UK, vital for biodiversity and human health. Mental Health issues are rising nationally, largely due to the political, economic and financial impacts filtering down from globalist corporate expansionism. Luton Airport's request to expand is part of a much-wider picture of the efforts by certain corporate groups to gain power and weaken populations, through health, environmental and economic attacks. I have watched, read and studied these issues with grave concern, especially since the Lockdown effort to socially experiment with the UK population. Every decision we, as human beings make, has implications for our species and others. Sitting in offices, number crunching or in the heart of London's concrete Westminster area, it is easy to forget our connection to the environment, other species and each other. Once ground is conceded, more will be taken. This is happening across the Sub-Saharan continent to the detriment of many species at an alarming rate and it is happening here. Please consider these multiple long-term impacts with the gravity they demand. We have protected trees and many species in the Kings Walden deer park and surrounding countryside. As temporary stewards of the areas we live in, those running Luton Airport would better serve the local area by liaising with organisations that provide sustainable expertise and creative solutions to economic pressures, rather than just carving up more land. As a nation, we have gone beyond our integral limits with how the environment has been exploited. This is not an emotive cry, it is literally a matter of people digging the ground around themselves until the patch they stand on collapses. If biodiverse special structures are not prioritised, the whole cycle collapses. That includes us, our children and grandchildren. Greater creativity of how to use sites within Luton airports existing landmass to raise revenue must be found. There are many examples of people creatively making money whilst reducing their carbon footprint. It is my firm belief that this is possible and no greater expansion of Luton Airport should be supported. d) Luton Airport- employment Whilst Luton Airport claims expansion will increase employment, the truth is, companies that provide staff for the logistical needs of the airport have been struggling to find staff since lockdown especially. The wages paid and actual numbers of local people working at the site are not huge, or necessarily permanent and the airport does not benefit town centre trade. Hotels within the airport's boundaries serve a transitory population who do not spend a huge amount of time or money at Luton itself. These are my main concerns and objections to the expansion of Luton Airport. Thank you.