Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by David Beaty

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a homeowner living near Luton Airport, that plans to nearly double the number of passengers, while also expanding into green belt areas and increasing nighttime flights, several aspects of my life would be significantly affected: Noise Pollution: The increase in flight frequency and nighttime operations would lead to a substantial rise in noise pollution. The noise from overhead planes would disrupt peace and tranquility, making it challenging to relax, sleep, or even enjoy outdoor activities with the reduced respite from the noise. Given recent consistently hot summers, we would not be able to sleep with any windows open. My overall quality of life would be negatively impacted. Air Pollution: With more flights taking off and landing, there would be an increase in air pollution due to the emissions released by aircraft. The higher concentration of aircraft exhaust gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, could degrade the air quality in the area, would potentially lead to health issues for the local community. Given certain weather conditions, I can smell jet fuel and the aircraft emissions and having recently benefited from the Noise Insulation scheme, our bright white uPVC windows already have staining consistent with air pollution. Additional Load on Local Infrastructure: The expansion of the airport and the increased number of flights would place a significant burden on the existing local infrastructure. The roads leading to the airport would experience heavier traffic, leading to congestion and longer commuting times for residents. The strain on the existing public transportation systems, parking facilities, and other essential services would also escalate, resulting in potential service disruptions and overcrowding. Impact on the Local Community: The increased activity at the airport would disrupt the social fabric of the local community. The influx of more passengers and airport staff could bring about changes in the demographics, potentially altering the community's character and dynamics. Additionally, the constant noise and air pollution may lead to increased stress levels and decreased overall well-being among community members. Local Wildlife and Green Belt Areas: Expanding the airport into green belt areas would have a detrimental impact on the local wildlife and natural habitats. The destruction of green spaces and disruption of ecosystems could result in the displacement or loss of plant and animal species, leading to a significant decline in biodiversity in the region. The area is criss-crossed by parts of the Chilterns Cycleway North Loop, part of the very attraction of the routes are to take in the countryside, which would be blighted by the additional aircraft overhead and air pollution. In summary, the proposed expansion of the airport would have wide-ranging effects on various aspects of my life. Increased noise pollution, air pollution, added strain on local infrastructure, potential changes to the community's character, and the negative impact on local wildlife and green belt areas are some of the key concerns that would arise from such expansion plans.