Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by J Christmas

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Pollution & air quality: 3 most relevant pollutants to human health - all pollutants to the whole environment should be considered, not just those 3 these deemed most relevant to human health. There is already pollution and poor air quality at times from the existing airport which would only be exacerbated by this proposed expansion. What are the penalties for breaking the restrictions/limits? The expansion cannot easily be rolled back and legally binding commitments have failed to curb leaks / discharges in other industries for example water companies. Aircraft noise: early morning and late night activities already disturb residents but for the most part are manageable, any further expansion will increase the frequency of the plane movements and therefore the noise even if there is no expansion to operating hours CO2 emissions: the impact to the overall environment of air travel is simply not sustainable; no airport should be expanding until technology exists to allow far reduced impacts. Parking: the existing parking charges do little to discourage people from driving to the area, only pushing cars into local residential areas which simply cannot take any further airport parking as residents are already forced out by travellers. Estimates for the % of all these new travellers using public transport is nowhere near high enough to warrant the massive impact all the extra cars will have in the local area.