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Representation by Robert Tusting

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs , I write regarding the new plane stacking route and the devastating effect it has on the quality of life in my area. Address MK44 2LJ I thought when I was in the house I would make a note of the times when I could hear the noise. Becomes almost pointless as you can hear noise for most of the day inside the house and outside , virtually all the time. I took the following notes on one day :- 29/09/22 Sitting in the kitchen the noise ( started very early in the morning but I only started making notes at these times )started at :- 12.27 13.01 13.19 13.29 - 13.40 13.55 14.16 14.27 14.56 15.26 It just goes on and on and on . This is what you can hear inside the house through double glazed windows and thick cavity walls ! This noise is worse than living next to a dual carriageway where you would have the option to erect a sound barrier ! I do not understand the rational behind having these aircraft routes over the countryside particularly in these days when Green space is ever more protected. The normal flt path and stacking over a built up area is not heard and blends in - central London is quieter ! In the quite countryside this type of noise is so much more noticeable. Would I be allowed to build a motor bike or car racing track ? - no , because of the noise even though it would not be all day , every day and after dark. Would I be allowed to have a rock concert , rave , every day , no !!! This aircraft noise is far more invasive than any other noise. Folks like to leave the towns at the weekend and visit the unspoilt and quiet countryside ( Green space , quiet space , dark space !!) - this is no longer an option in this area. I would like this to be treated as a single independent complaint and do not want it to be grouped together with other similar complaints. I want my complaint to be included in the Swanick airspace improvement Programme - Aurapace development 6(AD6) , stage 7 - post implementation review and data collection stage , which runs from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2023.