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Representation by Luton Irish Forum (Luton Irish Forum)

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

We have been supported by Luton Rising for over 10 years and consider Luton Rising to be a key partner. We have benefited from support to our welfare services of approximately £30,000 annually. This funds the cost of a Welfare Officer who works with over 200 clients per year. As a result of engaging with our welfare service most clients experienced benefits to their health, more than half visited their GP less often, 94% found it easier to sleep and felt less anxious, irritable or stressed, 96% reported feeling less depressed or down. Three-quarters said their health has improved as a direct result of their involvement with LIF [a further 10% said it had helped to keep the same] and 98% felt more supported. Some 72% said they felt able to go out/leave their home more following support from LIF. The work LIF welfare service does with and on behalf of clients improves their quality of life by improving financial stability, supporting individuals to access and maintain suitable accommodation and promoting independence. At the end of their case, 94% of clients said they felt more in control and that they knew more about what they should do. 96% said the work LIF did helped them better meeting their basic costs such as food and heat. Everyone surveyed said their involvement with LIF had helped them live in good quality, warm and secure housing and 98% felt that their engagement with LIF had resulted in them remaining independent. Without this funding we would be unable to provide support to these predominant older vulnerable people. We also receive funding for St Patrick’s Festival of £12,000. First held in Luton in 2000, the parade day and fringe events have become one of the leading attractions of the Luton cultural calendar, and in 2022, was listed in the top 20 things to do in Bedfordshire. The Festival brings Irish music and dance to the streets and entertainment venues of Luton to over 1,000s of spectators. Without this funding, we could not arrange this much loved day that helps promote a more vibrant sense of community and of Irish identity and build cross community relationships. We are aware that Luton Rising’s objective is to increase the amount of financial support provided to voluntary, community and charitable organisations in Luton and is also looking to considerably extend the support provided to neighbouring communities impacted by airport operations. We hosted a presentation on Luton Rising proposals with our members in March 2021 and these were the following themes: • All attendees agreed with the expansion • Apprenticeship degrees to be promoted in schools • Jobs to be advertised more broadly, including the Job Centre, in key places of interest such as the Mall and on main job search websites • Parking fees for drop offs are extortionate - people walk to the mid stay car park to avoid charges which is dangerous - could there be a shuttle? • Provide early and late bus links by arranging subsidy. This would be required for a limited period as with increasing demand it would become profitable for the bus companies • Dig development land at Wigmore Valley with care for wildlife • Is it possible for the Tea and Chat Group to have a ride on the dart as part of the PR • Taxi charges are extortionate • Standardise skill sets required to enable people to apply for jobs • Clarity about funding strands and ensuring it’s impact, i.e. can you apply for more than one and can support be multiannual • The Operations Grant, for flight path neighbourhoods should be higher We are satisfied that the views of our members were considered and we are satisfied that these matters have been taken on board by Luton Rising. We note that Luton Airport is serious about growing in a green and sustainable way and that the Green Controlled Growth proposals will ensure that any future growth will be sustainable. We also note that under these proposals, Luton Rising intends to set limits for carbon emissions, air quality, noise and traffic and these will be legally-binding and independently monitored. I wish to conclude that this expansion is exactly the kind of boost Luton needs in terms of skills development and employment opportunities and look forward to a positive outcome.