Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Mr jonathan vass

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the airport expansion it will bring extra noise pollution throught planes and trafficgoing too and from the airport.The air quality will get worse with the polution from the plane engines along side the extra vehicles using the airport for passengers plus the services needed to run the airport. The extra planes will increase the night disturbance not allowing us to get a good night's sleep. The traffic will cause havock blocking the surrounding roads and some of the road schemes have been tried be for ie the traffic lights which are proposed next to Vauxhall when the roundabout is removed .it did not work last time. The council will move the planning regulations when the want ie when the airport excedded the noise levels last time they move them to suit thier needs The times that the planes deviate from the correct departure corridor and when i complained they chandged thier policy to avoid e mailing me the reasons for why this had happened. The times that the planes start to land then have to abourt and go around again causing even more noise disturbance.we also have had planes coming low over our garden east to west when this did not happen before. The noise monitoring ones not seem to take into account of the landscape and variations of the terrains the planes might climb but also do the hills in Luton.Some of the proposed moving of the play/football area in the Wigmore Area which is flat they want to move it onto a temp slope with no further parking but expect more people to use it?Some of the landscaping around Wigmore is already there but they say it wi? be new. The environmental damage done to the fauna and flora due to engine pollutants. The general disturbance to the residents who have to live in the area The cost will rocket as did the cost of the Dart going so over budget costing tax payers and locals to pay for it. The council want to put the football ground in the center of Luton so where is the traffic coming from the same way as the airport traffic so on match days even worse traffic if not at a complete standstill .The estimate for parking at the airport is along way out according to the planners more people will come by train and public transport ask the planners how they get to the airport.I live not more than 2 miles from the airport and we already have people parking in the street and getting taxis hto the airport even at 0200 in the morning disturbing your sleep. I have been to the event held at Slipend village hall and the people could not answr a question straight according to them there will be less pollution less traffic less impact on the enviroment but with the proposed extra passanger numbers that is not going to happen. so this might sound like a rant but if you check and ask the questions you may be surprised Luton airport do not care about the residants and yes I am definitely aposed to the airport