Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Joanne Butler

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The expansion of London Luton Airport will have a detrimental affect on the environment at a time when we should be reducing emissions not increasing them. The noise impact on communities both close to the airport and those under the revised flight path will be immense, particularly for those that are quiet countryside locations - the noise impact is so much greater in areas of lower ambient noise. The consultation process around the revised flight paths was not sufficient and noise complaints made to the airport are not given the consideration they demand. The consultation for this flight path change should be redone with correct process and due consideration to suggested alternatives before any decision on expansion of the airport is completed. No real consideration has been given to the extra traffic congestion and resulting pollution from those travelling to the airport with the only environmental consideration given being from the airport buildings themselves, not the total impact. The stated benefits of economic growth for the region are complete nonsense when you take into account the current financial situation and the outstanding loans to the local authority, all of which has an impact on the services available for the community they say they are supporting.