Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Christopher Squires

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My parents live in Breachwood Green and I visit them frequently with my wife and children. We regularly walk down the village to use the recreation ground and play area and I take long runs through the countryside throughout each visit. It is during these visits that I have noticed the negative impact that the airport now has on the village and on the lives of my parents. I believe that the day and night-time noise has greatly increased since I grew up and went to school in the village, therefore, I object to any increase in day and night-time flights and any further expansion of Luton Airport. Please find below just a few of my many objections: 1. Noise Pollution: a. My family and I have experienced badly interrupted nights due to the current number of night, and early morning flights. i. A further increase in such flights would add to my family’s sleepless nights and become quite a health hazard for my parents. b. The current noise levels cause frequent, intermittent disruption to everyday activities: conversations in house and garden, talking on the phone and listening to the radio and television. i. A further increase in such disruption would be severely detrimental to my parents’ quality of life. c. As a parent I am very concerned about the many flights that are now flying much closer to sensitive areas within the village. We experience them over the children’s play area, the tennis courts, the MUGA and the recreation ground. i. Other significant areas of concern are the effects of the flights over the playgroup, the youth hut, the cricket pitch, the village hall and the Chapel. ii. As a teacher I find the close proximity of the flights to the Village’s JMI School of particular concern. d. This situation would be greatly worsened by the proposed increased number of flights – day and night. 2. Pollution: a. The Village does not have streetlights and I find that the Airport’s current lighting already impinges on Breachwood Green. i. Any additional lighting from the airport’s expansion would be terrible intrusion. b. When traveling to and from the village I experience increased road traffic, often bumper to bumper during peak periods and many more flights overhead. i. Even more flights and traffic would result in increased levels of fumes, CO2 emissions and other pollutants. 3. Traffic: a. The narrow country lanes in North Hertfordshire are already congested and would not be able to cope with additional traffic from more passengers and airport vehicles. b. Anyone travelling along these routes must be very concerned about the effects of the numerous. existing potholes on their cars. i. This increase in congestion would cause significant damage to the road infrastructure. I believe that any further expansion of the Airport and the number of flights would greatly affect the residents’ health and quality of life. Therefore, I request that this planning application is refused on the above grounds.