Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
I have now disgested much of the RSP application docs for their withdrawn application.
Unfortunately I still have some very significiant gaps in my understanding of how this could ever be made to w...
Darllen mwy
Please consider the attached detailed comments regarding the adequacy of the applicant's statutory consultation.
Could you also kindly clarify if you regard the statutory consultation processes as...
Darllen mwy
I note that the application has been accepted for examination and that you decided, overall, that the statutory consultation could be accepted also.
I have looked at what your "application check li...
Darllen mwy
Could you please advise where and when a hard copy of the Manston DCO Environmental Statement may be viewed.
I have just looked on the Companies House website and note that Riveroak Strategic Partners Limited filed accounts for a dormant company in 11 April 2018. How can a dormant company apply for a DCO?
Darllen mwy
Can you please confirm whether your decision to accept means that:
1. You have decided that the project is a NISP?
2. That RSP have addressed to your satisfaction on the issues you raised with the...
Darllen mwy
I am sure you always aim to act in the best interests of all but i plead with you to pay serious consideration to rejecting the DCO at Manston Airport.
Commercially it has never been a success, mai...
Darllen mwy
Please can you clarify the situation re advice from pins to rsp. Dco was withdrawn last time so you could advise rsp further. It now seems again that pins are now actively supporting rsp in coaching a...
Darllen mwy
Please grant the DCO for the reopening of Manston airport.
It is a national asset which can serve the country as a whole for years to come.
I am currently involved in a project which may also re...
Darllen mwy
My understanding is that the applicant must go through scoping and then conduct impact inquiry taking account of precautionary principle and cumulative effect assessment. This must form part of the P...
Darllen mwy
Like many others I am concerned about the planed resurrection of Manston as a cargo hub . Please can you tell me if ( should the dco be granted ) there is an opportunity for people like myself to voic...
Darllen mwy
At RSP's latest consultation the public was told that RSP planned to have 17000+ ATMs a year. That number has risen to 83000. Will there be another consultation?
I have noticed that RSP have reapplied for a DCO on the Manston site. I have being regularly checking your site but there was no notice of this . In your minutes of the meeting of 22 June RSP agreed t...
Darllen mwy
I'm concerned about RSP's unwillingness to correspond with me about the number of ATM's they propose. The Meeting Notes of the 11 May meeting between the PI and RSP show all sorts of figures for the a...
Darllen mwy
The enquirer addressed their concerns on the Applicant's 2018 Statutory Consultation.
I note from social media postings that an email was yesterday leaked, from Bircham Dyson Bell to PINs regarding RSP's withdrawn DCO application - indicating that they were seeking to optimise the timi...
Darllen mwy
In the June 22 meeting note that has just been loaded it says it was agreed Riveroak would tell you the anticipated submission date once known. As many are saying that it is an attempt to influence ...
Darllen mwy
Can you please advise when the Planning Inspectorate became aware of RiverOak's intention to submit their application on this date, as nothing was noted on your website.
Having reviewed the submission documents which you kindly sent me it seems clear that there is significant information disclosed in these documents that was not available to the general public for the...
Darllen mwy
Does that mean that the DCO compensation, probably many millions, could be paid via the planning inspectorate thus avoiding legitimate money sourcing legislation?
What duty is there on an applicant to disclose facts which may be adverse to their cause ?
Has RSP disclosed that there are as yet unresolved police, public health and environment agency inquiries ...
Darllen mwy
I note from media coverage regarding the recently resubmitted DCO application for the former Manston Airport that part of the site could be used for Operation Stack. The following excerpt is taken fro...
Darllen mwy
I understand RSP may have submitted their DCO application again this week. Can you please confirm that all comments previously received by you when the first application was made and subsequently with...
Darllen mwy
My understanding was that for pins to accept the application fee, which they have, they would have to be reasonably sure that the money was legitimately sourced.
I thought this would apply to any U...
Darllen mwy
RiverOak-RSP announced on 16th July 2018 that they have resubmitted their DCO application, see
Can ...
Darllen mwy
As you seem to be back in the pre-application stage I wonder if you have ever answered these two questions;
1. You have made it quite clear that the application has to follow the procedure as ...
Darllen mwy
RSP are saying that they have resubmitted their DCO application to you but as yet it’s not showing on your website and I haven’t received an email. Could you confirm if RSP have resubmitted and if so ...
Darllen mwy
As a further development, I note that RiverOak Strategic Partners have today announced that they have resubmitted their application. Can you please confirm whether this is actually the case.
It is almost three weeks since you recorded that a project update meeting was held on 22 June 2018 with representatives of RSP.
In the interests of transparency can you please indicate how much ...
Darllen mwy
The question in my original email was, if you have to agree minutes from meetings with RSP is this is what is delaying publication ?
You had a meeting in January which had relevant details that w...
Darllen mwy
I notice since RSP withdrew their application for a DCO your web page shows that “the applicant has set no timetable for this application” Is there any indication of when they will.
Given the prob...
Darllen mwy
You have indicated a preference for combined communications (most recently on 2018-06-26) :
“We encourage and advise all stakeholders who share similar views to collate communications to us because t...
Darllen mwy
Have RiverOak Strategic Partners resubmitted their application or given you any indication when they will be resubmitting?
it was pins saying 'In terms of payment of fees, there is no due diligence that the Planning Inspectorate is required to undertake. It is the payment and clearing of a fee in respect of a named case ...
Darllen mwy
Near the beginning of the pre application stage I asked pins about the position regarding money paid to pins by RiverOak RSP in terms of how pins would ensure that the money, from what is basically a ...
Darllen mwy
It seems to me that the powers granted under the 2008 planning act were really supposed to speed up the planning process for major infrastructure designated by government as essential to the future of...
Darllen mwy
You were asked why you were writing to the pro-airport organisation, asking them to write to you, whilst simultaneously telling them that only comments relating to the applicants consultation can acce...
Darllen mwy
The SMAa Committee submitted a letter to the Planning Inspectorate, supporting the Manston Airport DCO, and requesting that the process move forwards faster, so that thousands of pro Manston Airport s...
Darllen mwy
Please would you indicate: how many meetings (face-to-face or teleconference) have occurred between RSP and the PI since May 3rd; and when the next meeting or teleconference between RSP and the PI is ...
Darllen mwy
In your note of meeting of 11 May 2018 with representatives of RSP it was stated that a further meeting would be held once matters raised by the Inspectorate had been addressed by the applicant. Has...
Darllen mwy
According to this petition, you have specifically asked the pro-airport Manston campaign groups to submit multi-signature letters rather than writing to you individually. Is this true? My understan...
Darllen mwy
Project update meeting.
Project update meeting
Thank you for your response and for directing me to the RSP PIER.
From my reading of these documents while there are extensive they in no way give me any sense of what the potential impact on he...
Darllen mwy
Please can you confirm that you have asked SMAa for a petition in support of the dco application?
Have you asked the legal owners if they would like to submit a counter petition.
It has seemed to be...
Darllen mwy
I have received the folllowing request to sign a petition/letter to you:
Darllen mwy
Whereas I have concentrated on Thanet District Council failure to comply with law of precautionary principle and spirit of laws of duty to promote well being re public health , the fact is the Enviro...
Darllen mwy
Could you kindly clarify the situation with some aspects of the RSP DCO for me, or failing that tell me who I should be asking?
Now the application has been withdrawn does this mean that it should ...
Darllen mwy
I've read the minutes of the meeting held between yourselves and RSP in which you raise a number of inconsistencies in their documentation in a variety of areas including basic and essential informati...
Darllen mwy
I note from your recently published records of meetings with RSP that you make reference to their project having a cabability in excess of 82,000 flights. I have not seen that number in any of the con...
Darllen mwy