Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
I am a bit puzzled as I can't see how RiverOak can acquire the whole airport if they claim they are only altering it. Thee environmental info said that the runway is only been resurfaced, not lengthe...
Darllen mwy
Unfortunately I did not find that your reply dealt with the question, which was:
"could you kindly clarify if PINS have in place any targets regarding the publication of notes of meetings with DC...
Darllen mwy
Could you kindly clarify if PINS have in place any targets regarding the publication of notes of meetings with DCO applicants and, if not, what the public may reasonably expect in terms of your perfor...
Darllen mwy
In reply to an enquiry by Nigel Phethean (24 May 2018) you said:
“Any delay in the publishing of the note from the meeting with RSP on 11 May 2018 is a result of the drafting and finalisation process...
Darllen mwy
What part of the DCO process will enable PINS to say “enough is enough”? Which begs the question “why not?” Surely the draftees of PA2008 wouldn’t have drafted legislation that could be misused in thi...
Darllen mwy
RSP have said previously that they think they are a NSIP as they are altering the airport. If so, surely compaulsory acquisition powers should only be for the bits that are being altered and need pla...
Darllen mwy
Could you please tell me if RiverOak Strategic Partners have resubmitted their DCO application. If they have could you tell me why it has not been published on your website. If not have they set a dat...
Darllen mwy
It is now nearly two weeks since the meeting the Inspectorate held with RSP to explain its concerns about the documentation submitted leading to the withdrawal of the DCO application.
Given the growi...
Darllen mwy
Would you please explain just how this process allows a legitimate landowner to have the value of their investment permanently blighted as it seems to many that RSP could, if minded, continuously appl...
Darllen mwy
Is there any special reason why the meeting note in respect of the Feb 23rd meeting has taken almost 3 months to finalise?
How long do you anticipate the preparation and publication of the meeting ...
Darllen mwy
You have issued a clear exposition of some major concerns. Those concerns appear, on the face if it, to be incompatible with acceptance of the application as it the stood. Is that inference correct?...
Darllen mwy
Are you able to comment as to whether the applicant at this point has complied with their Schedule 4 obligations ?
Recent correspondence between PINS and interested parties have included the following statement however in view of the feedback issued to RSP on the 4/5/2018 which precipitated their withdrawal your d...
Darllen mwy
Our question as to whether this could be viewed in practice as a consultation period between PINS & RSP was really not answered. To an observer this does seem to be the case borne out by conferences y...
Darllen mwy
The enquirer submitted representations regarding the merits of the proposed development during the Pre-application stage.
As there seems to be a lot of missing information in RSPs application that will have to be provided to PINS can you tell us whether these shortcomings will require another public consultation before R...
Darllen mwy
I have seen various comments suggesting that an applicant for a DCO must consider other ways in which they can deliver the stated aim of the NISP they are seeking to define. In the case of RSP the aim...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned that this DCO application which was vigorously supported by both Thanet's Conservative MPs may have been intended to cause what it has actually achieved. Namely the dropping of the prop...
Darllen mwy
I note that RSP declares on its website that it has "temporarily" withdrawn its application for a DCO. It claims that "this is not uncommon with DCOs and RSP is in dialogue with the Planning Inspecto...
Darllen mwy
Can you please tell me how common it is to withdraw an application on the day a decision to go ahead or not to is made thank you.
Roughly how many times before has this happened and it it expected b...
Darllen mwy
According to the PI's web site, the Manston application has been withdrawn. Yet when I go to the home page and select the filter to show only withdrawn status applications, no records are returned. So...
Darllen mwy
We are told that RiverOak Strategic Partners has withdrawn its application for a Development Consent Order to reopen Manston Airport.
Further information has only come from one of the local MP's, S...
Darllen mwy
I would be grateful if you would respond by return to confirm the following;
• whether any s51 advice has been provided to RSP in relation to the submitted (and now withdrawn) proposed DCO A...
Darllen mwy
Please could you tell me how many times you will allow RSP to withdraw and resubmit their application? Is there a limit, or is this going to pause any sensible development of the site and of other loc...
Darllen mwy
If RSP are going to submit further details about the environmental impact to PINS should they not be required to show this information to the people who are likely to be worst affected?
Do you now take down your Manston page S51 advice etc and await a complete new application from RSP ?
Can the Planning Inspectorate please advise the number of applications to date which have been withdrawn by the applicant, along with the name or other reference for such withdrawn applications. An in...
Darllen mwy
Our understanding was this was an pre-application not a consultation period with PINS so we are wondering why this was discussed with them while the 28 day period was running, especially as there was ...
Darllen mwy
Our understanding was this was an pre-application not a consultation period with PINS so we are wondering why this was discussed with them while the 28 day period was running, especially as there was ...
Darllen mwy
Can you advise me that a new application will be looked on with fresh eyes and take as long as needed to make a decision.
please advise any new application will be treated at face value without al...
Darllen mwy
I understand that shortly before the deadine of 28 days consideration of their application, RSP have withdrawn such. Their plan appears to be to resubmit an application. I would be grateful if you w...
Darllen mwy
Project update meeting.
We note that PINS’ website has now been updated to confirm that RSP’s application has been submitted and that the Applicant has not agreed to the application documents being made public. We are extre...
Darllen mwy
Please see attachment.
Re the Manston DCO 2018 consultation, could you kindly send me details relating to the 2018 consultation notifications. I discussed this with Sam at the 2018 Comfort Inn consultation event, but then I...
Darllen mwy
On 19th April the sponsor posted this on their website see this link The release was not widely publicised. In this release they claim that they will revie...
Darllen mwy
Could you confirm that the DCO application for Manston has been submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partners and if it has when will the documents be published on your website?
Local press reported on Monday that RSP has submitted its DCO application. The applicants are quoted as having provided some 10,500 pages, a figure also voiced by the local MP.
I note that the cla...
Darllen mwy
Yesterday RSP announced that they had submitted their Manston DCO application to pins.
I understand that this triggers the 28 day period during which pins will decide if the can accept the applicatio...
Darllen mwy
Is there a summary dismissal procedure for application to minister or do I still have to wait for interested party submission stage. I am anxious to avoid applying for judicial review of Chief consta...
Darllen mwy
I understand the DCO application will be submitted to you next week. You've received a great deal of communication from members of the public on a wide range of issues in particular the adequacy of th...
Darllen mwy
Do you routinely accept submissions from people using fake identities and, if not why have you done so on this occasion?
Do you believe that accepting and publishing submissions from people using f...
Darllen mwy
Please can you note the report from mps over noise and night flights over London re Heathrow expansion. Please can you advise if these restrictions will apply to all new dco applications ie manston.
Darllen mwy
What additional due diligence will PINS carry out with respect to the Manston DCO taking into account the issues I raise in the paragraph above which apply to the sponsor Riveroak Strategic Partners L...
Darllen mwy
Our concern is with the impact that RiverOaks’ proposed development of the currently redundant airport site as a n international air cargo hub would have on the historic character and heritage of the...
Darllen mwy
What would be helpful to all involved in this process and particularly the large number of people who are concerned about the possibility of night flights, would be if you could confirm the following....
Darllen mwy
Please can you tell me what action you will be taking to correct the impression that I believe Sir Roger Gale has created of your departments supportive position regarding aviation at Manston Airport?
I’m reliably informed that your advice to developers is that: "“For the pre-application consultation process, applicants are advised to include sufficient preliminary environmental information to enab...
Darllen mwy
I recently (03.02.18) discovered that there is a request for a 24/7 freight hub at Manston Airport! Not only have I only just been made aware of this, which came from a social conversation (not from, ...
Darllen mwy
I'm writing to you regarding my concerns over the proposed plans for a Cargo Hub at Manston Airport put forward by Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP). And more importantly the night flight situation th...
Darllen mwy