Manston Airport

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 301 to 350 of 429 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Stephanie Flower

    I really do not understand why Manston airport might open again. It is a failing Airport and will ruin Tourism in Ramsgate. I have an estate agent coming around today to look at selling my business... Read more

  • View advice to Tiffany Wilmans

    I have just read a very troubling article regarding RSP’s latest application for night flights from Manston. The suggestion that Ramsgate should even consider accepting a proposal to include any... Read more

  • View advice to Stephanie Flower

    Will local business get compensated for having to relocate?

  • View advice to Ian Scott

    We have copied you into this email we have sent to RSP because of concerns we have over notification of & access to documentation regarding their latest public consultation. We wanted you to be aware... Read more

  • View advice to Clive Aslet

    I am writing as someone whose home is on the flightpath for Manston Airport. I have just been told by a friend that there will be a consultation on this on January 23 (tomorrow). However, I had no... Read more

  • View advice to Aaron Oldale

    I’m writing as a resident of Ramsgate who’s recently received an email from a company currently calling itself ‘RSP’ informing me that they are planning yet another inadequate round of consultations... Read more

  • View advice to Anne-Marie Nixey

    It has come to my attention via a friend that RSP are doing another consultation with regards to Manston Airport. I have not had notification to my address. If you look on a map you will see that... Read more

  • View advice to Gary Ottewill

    The enquirer sent his response to the Applicant's 2018 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate.

  • View advice to Susan Kennedy

    I'm writing to complain about the most recent consultation by RiverOak Strategic Partners. Firstly, as a resident directly under the Manston flight path I have received no notification from them... Read more

  • View advice to Simon Crow

    I understand that, according to the DCO process, RSP should have prepared a Consultation Report to PINS outlining how it took into account the feedback responses from its public consultations held in... Read more

  • View advice to David Green

    I write to oppose RSPs proposed DCO of Manston Airport Land After deceiving myself, residents and yourself, for many months, and at previous unsatisfactory "consultations", RSP Have now come clean... Read more

  • View advice to Ceri Diffley

    I am writing to voice my utter disgust at the Riveroak proposition. PLEASE DO NOT LET IT GO AHEAD!!!!!! I am concerned that overall the proposal would have a seriously detrimental to the town and... Read more

  • View advice to Richard Card

    I am wondering if a past potential investor should make a submission to you when and if River Oak actually make the application to try to acquire Manston.

  • View advice to Michael Child

    I have just revisited this application to check for any progress. Please excuse this email being a bit muddled and fragmentary but I am short of time at the moment and fitting writing it in between... Read more

  • View advice to Mark de Pulford

    I should be grateful for any advice you may be able to offer regarding what impact HMG would expect last year's EIA regulations to have upon the developer's forthcoming public consultation. What does... Read more

  • View advice to Mark de Pulford

    I should be grateful for any advice you may be able to offer regarding what impact HMG would expect last year's EIA regulations to have upon the developer's forthcoming public consultation. What does... Read more

  • View advice to Peter Binding

    You say that the onus is on applicants to get their applications right before they are submitted. How are they supposed to do this if the feedback they need is not given until later? For example,... Read more

  • View advice to Peter Binding

    Thank you for your prompt response to my queries about RSP's forthcoming consultation exercise. Needless to say, your response is very unsatisfactory. It may well be true that you are ticking all... Read more

  • View advice to Peter Binding

    I see that RSP did not submit their application for a DCO before the end of December 2017, as had been advertised on the Planning Inspectorate's website. I see that they now plan to engage in another... Read more

  • View advice to Richard Card

    I have written to you before with the argument that since Kent Health Protection Agency in 2009 said epidemiology inquiry is needed to investigate long term health impact of chemical contamination of... Read more

  • View advice to Jonathan Fowler

    I note that the notes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2017 have been published by the Planning Inspectorate. However, when considering the comments made in the Annex to the meeting note, it is... Read more

  • View advice to Nigel Phethean

    The Ramsgate Society of which I am a member of the Executive Committee understands you have recently published an interim report on the RSP DCO application. I have been unable to trace such a... Read more

  • View advice to Mark de Pulford

    The note [of the telecom between the Planning Inspectorate and the Applicant on 22 November 2017] suggests that the primary reason for the third consultation is to conform to the 2017 Environmental... Read more

  • View advice to Invicta Law for Kent County Council

    We are instructed by the Kent County Council (the “KCC”). KCC has been approached by developers in connection with the proposed redevelopment of Manston Airport (formerly RAF Manston) situated near... Read more

  • View advice to Jonathan Fowler

    In the notes of the meeting held on the 26th September between RiverOak Strategic Partners and the Planning Inspectorate it states that : "It was agreed that draft versions of certain documents... Read more

  • View advice to Mark de Pulford

    In the name of honesty and of transparency, can PINS please shed some light on the facts behind the applicant’s news release, which appeared in my in box earlier today? ... Read more

  • View meeting with RiverOak Strategic Partners

    Project update meeting (teleconference).

  • View advice to Peter Binding

    I would like to know whether the decision to go ahead with a Development Consent Order is based on what is theoretically possible or what is actually being proposed. I am asking this question because... Read more

  • View meeting with RiverOak Strategic Partners

    Draft application documents feedback meeting.

  • View meeting with Pinsent Masons for Stone Hill Park Ltd

    Note of meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and Stone Hill Park Ltd (the Manston Airport landowner) to request advice in accordance with section 51 of the Planning Act 2008 about matters... Read more

  • View meeting with RiverOak Strategic Partners

    Project Update Meeting.

  • View advice to Save Manston Airport Association

    Save Manston Airport association (SMAa) note : “The Inspectorate confirmed that it had received a large volume of correspondence which raised concerns relating to the statutory consultation events... Read more

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Many thanks for the update, I fully understand that a large volume of enquiries would be an issue as the airfreight hub would have a considerable impact on several thousand people. A problem is, that... Read more

  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Kent Wildlife Trust

    I would be most grateful if you could please add Kent Wildlife Trust to your list of consultees for Manston Airport. I attach our recent letter to RiverOak for your information. I would also like... Read more

  • View advice to Anne Peers

    It is hoped that considerable thought is given to the development of a cargo hub airport on the current brown field site, previously the war time airport for Manston. If allowed, such a development... Read more

  • View advice to Jan Shepherd

    Having just completed a thorough reading of all plans put forward by RiverOak for the development of Manston Airport I have the following observations to make: 1) Unless some massive seismic... Read more

  • View advice to Gillian Archer

    I am emailing you, because to my horror, I have just found out that Riveroak stategic partners has and have constructed a consultation document on the reopening of Manston Airport. I have heard it is... Read more

  • View advice to Phil Hutt

    • "Your proposals will ruin this area and I object to your proposal” • “I strongly object to the noise pollution, air pollution and road congestion that your project will bring to this area” • “No... Read more

  • View advice to Mr and Mrs Williamson

    I am contacting you to express our complete disapproval of the plans to reopen Manston Airport. We, like most of Ramsgate, live on the flight path of aircraft landing at Manston airport from the... Read more

  • View advice to Thomas Norton

    I am writing to you in relation to your proposed DCO of the land presently owned by Stone Hill Park (previously Manston Airport), which aims to establish a Cargo Hub and smaller passenger service with... Read more

  • View advice to Dennis Franklin

    Further to my earlier e-mail, I am contacting you in respect to the American Hedge Fund company, Riveroak, who are trying to force the owners of the old Manston airport about 2 miles away from the... Read more

  • View advice to Fred Skinner

    I have not been informed of any official consultation into running the site at Manston as an airport. And yet I have found out that there is such a consultation. I live in the village of Herne and... Read more

  • View advice to Rita Burns

    I am writing to let you know that I am most unhappy regarding the resent Consultations regarding the re-opening of the former Manston Airport - I strongly object on the grounds of noise and /or air... Read more

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Do PINS hold a breakdown of approximate required compensation amounts and is this in the public domain? At what point in the DCO application does the applicant have to show pins evidence of... Read more

  • View advice to Keith Owen

    Mr Owen expressed a number of concerns in respect of the Applicant's Pre-application community consultation and stated his objection to the Proposed Development.

  • View advice to Jane Hetherington

    The enquirer expressed concern about the Applicant's Pre-application community consultation. The Applicant had provided contradictory information about the potential for night flights.

  • View advice to Anonymous

    I am a resident of Broadstairs, within the area of Thanet District Council (TDC). I have today learnt that TDC have restricted the consultation with RiverOak to a closed meeting with the Cabinet. The... Read more

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Would an individual homeowner or business proprietor have to claim compensation within specific time scales related to the progress of the DCO application? Are there other instances of busy... Read more

  • View advice to H Frencken

    I am writing in response to RSP’s recent Consultation event held in Ramsgate I was dismayed that people in Ramsgate were not contacted by RSP informing them of the consultation taking despite... Read more