Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
I recently attended the RSP’S consultation in Ramsgate, and am now asking you, if it could be re-held. And this time in a more professional manner.
I was expecting a presentation, and then an oppor...
Darllen mwy
I have several specific concerns about the hopelessly inadequate consultation process conducted by the RSP company in relation to their attempt to submit a DCO for the site of the former airport at Ma...
Darllen mwy
It is being reported on social media that RiverOak Strategic Partners' DCO for the site of the former airport at Manston is guaranteed to succeed because it is being backed by a local MP. Can you conf...
Darllen mwy
RSP who wish to reopen Manston airport have published a glossy 48 page brochure laying out all their plans for the future development of the site. I believe that RSP have deliberately ignored Ramsgate...
Darllen mwy
I have several concerns re the recent presentations / consultations mainly that when approached about particulates none of your so called experts appeared to know what they were nor how dangerous and ...
Darllen mwy
River Oak Strategic Partnership recently held a consultation in Ramsgate regarding the re-opening of Manston as an airport. The online consultation finishes on 23rd July.
I wish to register a comp...
Darllen mwy
As a long time resident of the town of Ramsgate and having lived under the flight path of the previous commercial airport at Manston I would like to register my objection to any plan to reopen the air...
Darllen mwy
The enquirer expressed concern about the lack of consultation events offered in Ramsgate about the proposed reopening of Manston Airport.
1. Failure to notify affected residents:
During the time...
Darllen mwy
1. RSP have not followed the legislation laid down in the Planning Act 2008 and that because the document fails to identify the flight path and as a consequence which areas will be affected directly b...
Darllen mwy
The enquirer expressed a number of concerns in respect of RSP's Pre-application community consultation.
I would like to express my concern regarding the lack of information provided to Ramsgate residents regarding the consultations. It was only by chance that my husband and I became aware of the consul...
Darllen mwy
The enquirer raised concerns about the Applicant's Pre-application community consultation.
The enquirer, a local councillor, set out a number of concerns in respect of RiverOak Strategic Partner's community consultation.
As I understand all statutory consultees must be informed by the project leaders about the plans.
In the event the statutory consultees refuses to engage, where does this leave the DCO prospects?
I am writing with regards to the recent consultations about a potential cargo hub at the former Manston airport, Kent, and my concerns over the consultation process.
I bought my house two years ago...
Darllen mwy
I am writing in response to RSP’s recent Consultation event held in Ramsgate.
Firstly, I’m disappointed in the lack of opportunity presented to the 40000 people in Ramsgate to participate in the Co...
Darllen mwy
I'm writing with regard to my grave concerns about the consultation process being conducted by River Oak Strategic Partners, or RSP as part of their plans to develop the former Manston airport.
I ...
Darllen mwy
Do you advise that I endeavour to complete the consultation trying to use the existing website or to wait and see if I get some reply from the Applicant or Thanet District Council that results in a we...
Darllen mwy
I am writing after reading the minutes of a meeting which took place between the Planning Inspectorate and RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) on the 12th May 2017. The meeting related to a potential DC...
Darllen mwy
Mr Child expressed a number of concerns about the accessibility of consultation documents on RiverOak Strategic Partner's website.
Mr Kirkaldie expressed concerns in respect of the Planning Inspectorate's handling of three planning appeals at the site of the former Manston Airport in conjunction with RiverOak Strategic Partner's ...
Darllen mwy
In respect of his experience at a recent consultation event, Mr de Pulford expressed concern that the Applicant "could not answer basic questions about the impact of their development on local residen...
Darllen mwy
What steps will the Planning Inspectorate take to ensure there is a proper and unencumbered consultation?
Process evaluation presentation by RiverOak Strategic Partners.
SMAa have compared the final version of the RiverOak SoCC (May 2017) with the earlier draft version (Feb 2017), and noted where some changes have occurred, with particular reference to the responses b...
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