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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyngor i Raj Parkash

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Raj Parkash
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
3 Mai 2019
Math o ymholiad

My question is what is the range of issues that the Planning Inspectorate will consider in the course of the examination of Heathrow's application? Is it just any potential impact, or are is their jurisdiction limited in any way? For example, we would want I am sure to raise issues regarding noise and air quality, compensation for adverse impacts, and compliance with airspace design principles. Would all of these fall within the Planning Inspectorate's jurisdiction? If not, which would?

Cyngor a roddwyd

Firstly, the Examining Authority (ExA) that will be appointed to examine the application for the expansion of Heathrow Airport (Third Runway) will do so in an inquisitorial manner. This means that they are not restricted to only considering what is included in representations made to them. Once an application has been formally submitted and accepted for examination, members of the public will have the opportunity to register to become ‘Interested Parties’ by completing the registration form and submitting a ‘Relevant Representation’; a provisional written representation setting out the key issues they believe the ExA should consider as part of the Examination. Following a review of the issues raised in the suite of Relevant Representations, alongside the contents of the application itself (what is actually being applied for) and the content of the Airports National Policy Statement (ANPS), the ExA will prepare it’s ‘Initial Assessment of Principal Issues’ which will then act to frame the six-month Examination period. There will then be further opportunity to expand on those issues/ arguments set out by submitting Written Representations once the Examination formally begins. However, there will not be scope to dispute of the contents of the ANPS/ other policy framework or discuss compensation with regards to Compulsory Acquisition during the Examination. If you register to become an Interested Party, you will be able to raise such issues as noise, air quality and compliance with airspace design principles within your Relevant Representation. As the application is currently anticipated for submission in 2020, I recommend you register for the email update feature (on the right-hand side of the overview page of the project website) to be notified of the registration period when the time comes.