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Y cam archwilio
Agorodd yr archwiliad ar 24 May 2012
Caeodd yr archwiliad ar 24 November 2012
24 Mai 2012 - Preliminary Meeting
CaeedigPreliminary Meeting to discuss how the application will be examined.
31 Mai 2012 - Deadline 1
CaeedigProcedural decision including Principle Issues, confirmation of the examination timetable and first written questions from the ExA under Rule 8 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010. Initial draft of Statement to inform Habitats Regulations Assessment. Notification by ExA of the dates of Open Floor, Specific Issue and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings, and accompanied site inspections.
15 Mehefin 2012 - Deadline 2
CaeedigNotification of Hearings under Rule 13 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
28 Mehefin 2012 - Deadline 3
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Stone Creek Boat Club
29 Mehefin 2012 - Deadline 4
CaeedigComments on Relevant Representations (RRs) Any summaries of RRs exceeding 1500 words Written Representations (WRs) by all interested parties Any summaries of WRs exceeding 1500 words Local Impact Report (LIR) from any local authorities Responses to ExA’s first written questions Notification by an Interested Party of their wish to be heard at (a) an Open Floor hearing and (b) a Compulsory Acquisition hearing Notification of wish to make oral representations at the Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order including the draft Deemed Marine Licence
10 Gorffennaf 2012 - Deadline 5
CaeedigVariation to timetable under Rule 8(3) of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010.
12 Gorffennaf 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 1
CaeedigDraft Development Consent Order including the draft Deemed Marine Licence
23 Gorffennaf 2012 - Deadline 6
CaeedigAny written summary of the oral case put at the Specific Issue Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order including the draft Deemed Marine Licence held on Thursday 12 July 2012
27 Gorffennaf 2012 - Deadline 7
CaeedigComments on LIRs Comments on responses to ExA’s first written questions Submissions on the case for cross-examination at any Issue Specific or Compulsory Acquisition hearing Any Statements of Common Ground (other than on Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) matters)
3 Awst 2012 - Deadline 8
CaeedigComments on WRs and responses to comments on RRs
7 Awst 2012 - Deadline 9
CaeedigVariation to timetable under Rule 8(3) of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010.
15 Awst 2012 - Deadline 10
CaeedigVariation to timetable under Rule 8(3) of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 and notification of Hearings under Rule 13 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
17 Awst 2012 - Deadline 11
CaeedigIssue of second written questions from ExA
24 Awst 2012 - Deadline 12
CaeedigStatements of Common Ground on HRA Notification of wish to speak at an Open Floor Hearing
31 Awst 2012 - Deadline 13
CaeedigNotification of wish to make oral representations at the Specific Issue Hearing on compensation site matters, including HRA (11 September), HRA matters relating to the main development site (12 September), marine matters (13 September) and land access and transport (14 September)Notification of wish to make oral representations at the Specific Issue Hearing on compensation site matters, including HRA (11 September), HRA matters relating to the main development site (12 September), marine matters (13 September) and land access and transport (14 September)
5 Medi 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 1
CaeedigOpen Floor in East Riding of Yorkshire area
6 Medi 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 2
CaeedigOpen Floor in North Lincolnshire area
7 Medi 2012 - Deadline 14
CaeedigResponses to ExA’s second written questions
11 Medi 2012 - Deadline 15
CaeedigVariation to timetable under Rule 8(3) of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 and notification of Hearings under Rule 13 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
11 Medi 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 2
CaeedigSpecific Issue dealing with matters relating to the compensation site including HRA
12 Medi 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 3
CaeedigSpecific Issue dealing with matters relating to the main development site
13 Medi 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 4
CaeedigSpecific Issue dealing with marine matters
14 Medi 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 5
CaeedigSpecific Issue dealing with land access and transport
17 Medi 2012 - Deadline 16
CaeedigAny written summary of the oral case put at any Open Floor Hearing held in the East Riding of Yorkshire (5 September 2012) and North Lincolnshire (6 September 2012) areas
20 Medi 2012 - Deadline 17
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to ABP
21 Medi 2012 - Deadline 18
CaeedigVariation to timetable under Rule 8(3) of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 and notification of Hearings under Rule 13 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010.
24 Medi 2012 - Deadline 19
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to ABP Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able Any written summary of the oral case put at the Specific Issue Hearing held on the compensation site, including HRA matters (11 September 2012), HRA matters relating to the main development site (12 September 2012), marine matters (13 September 2012) and land access and transport (14 September 2012)
25 Medi 2012 - Deadline 20
CaeedigSite inspection in the company of Interested Parties under Rule 16 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
26 Medi 2012 - Deadline 21
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able
28 Medi 2012 - Deadline 22
CaeedigNotification of wish to make oral representations at the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (16 and 17 October) Specific Issue Hearing dealing with HRA (compensation site) (9 October), Compulsory Acquisition (compensation site) (9 October), Compulsory Acquisition (main development site) (10 October), further Specific Issue Hearings dealing with HRA (main development site) (11 October) and the draft Development Consent Order
4 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 23
CaeedigLetter form the ExA in response to RSPB letter regarding changes to the examination timetable and new hearings
9 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 24
CaeedigSupplementary information for Affected Persons, as defined in s.92 (5) of the Planning Act 2008 (The Planning Act) regarding Compulsory Acquisition Hearings to be held 16, 17 and 18 October 2012.
12 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 25
CaeedigComments on responses to ExA’s second written questions. Notification of wish to make oral representations at the Specific Issue Hearings dealing with Local Impact Reports (22 October AM) and road transport (22 October PM)
16 Hydref 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 6
CaeedigCompulsory Acquisition Hearing
17 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 26
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to NE, MMO, RSPB and LWT Publication of the REIS Report
17 Hydref 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 7
CaeedigCompulsory Acquisition Hearing
22 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 27
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to ERYC
22 Hydref 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 8
CaeedigSpecific Issue Hearing on Local Impact Reports
22 Hydref 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 9
CaeedigSpecific Issue Hearing on matters regarding Road Transport
23 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 28
CaeedigExA’s site inspection of the compensation site, the application site and the surrounding area in the company of Interested Parties Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to all Interested Parties
25 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 29
CaeedigSite inspection in the company of Interested Parties under Rule 16 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
26 Hydref 2012 - Deadline 30
CaeedigAny written summary of the oral case put at the Compulsory Acquisition Hearings (16 and 17 October and Specific Issue Hearings dealing with road transport and Local Impact Reports (22 October) Any revised proposed requirements for inclusion within the draft Development Consent Order (including the deemed Marine Licence)
1 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 31
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to ERYC Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to MMO
2 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 32
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to ABP
12 Tachwedd 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 10
CaeedigISH on Compensation proposals
13 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 33
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able
13 Tachwedd 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 11
CaeedigISH on Compensation proposals
15 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 34
CaeedigRequests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Able, NE, RSPB, MMO and EA
16 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 35
CaeedigAny written summary of the oral case put at the Specific Issue Hearings (12 and 13 November) Requests for further information and written comments under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 to Crown Estate
21 Tachwedd 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 12
CaeedigISH on draft Development Consent Order (DCO)/draft Deemed Marine Licence (DML)
22 Tachwedd 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 13
CaeedigISH on draft Development Consent Order (DCO)/draft Deemed Marine Licence (DML)
23 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 36
CaeedigAny written summary of the oral case put at the further Specific Issue Hearings dealing with the draft DCO/DML
27 Tachwedd 2012 - Deadline 37
CaeedigDecision from Secretary of State in response to ABP application made under s.98 (4) of The Planning Act 2008 Completion of the examination under s.99 of The Planning Act 2008
14 Awst 2024 - Invitation to comment
CaeedigInvitation to comment
Invitation from the Department for Transport to make comment on:
- Representations on the Applicant’s response to the representations published on 1 July 2024 on the request seeking a time extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order.