1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Elm Group

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Elm Group
Date advice given
30 January 2018
Enquiry type

We have received information from yourselves with regards Tilbury 2 Project.

We manage a retirement estate across the water in Gravesend and wondered if this would impact us?

Advice given

You have received our letter because you have been identified by the applicant as being interested in land potentially affected by the proposed scheme. Therefore you have the status of an Interested Party in the examination and can fully participate in the examination.

You can view all the project documents at the project website: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/south-east/tilbury2/

As an Interested Party, you will be informed of the progress of the Examination and be notified of the final Decision by the Secretary of State. You can also:

• Make representations about the application that is being examined.

• Have the opportunity to attend and speak at the Preliminary Meeting or hearings that take place during the Examination.

• Have the opportunity to provide further written evidence to the appointed Examining Inspector(s), known as the Examining Authority

However, you are not obliged to participate.

Further information on the examination process can be found in our suite of advice notes: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/legislation-and-advice/advice-notes/

Advice notes 8.2 – 8.5 include information relating to the examination process.

If you have any questions about the examination process, please do not hesitate to contact me.