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Advice to Connect Plus Services

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Connect Plus Services
Date advice given
8 February 2018
Enquiry type

Please can you send me the Rule 6 letter, agenda for the preliminary meeting and draft timetable for the examination of the application.

Advice given

After searching our records, Connect Plus Services don’t appear to be an Interested Party in the examination. Interested Parties are those with a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project or that have made a relevant representation.

This may hinder your participation in the examination, as you will not be automatically invited to Hearings or have the right to make written representations (though the Examining Authority may accept any submission at their discretion), nor be notified of the final decision.

If you have a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project, then you can make a request to the Examining Authority to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended). This can be done here:


As an Interested Party, you will be informed of the progress of the Examination and be notified of the final Decision by the Secretary of State. You can also:

• Make representations about the application being examined.

• Have the opportunity to attend and speak at the Preliminary Meeting or hearings that take place during the Examination.

• Have the opportunity to provide further written evidence to the appointed Examining Inspectors, known as the Examining Authority.

Further information on the examination process can be found in our suite of advice notes:


For your information, a copy of the Rule 6 letter can be viewed here:
