Back to list Immingham Eastern Ro-Ro Terminal

Representation by Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust)

Date submitted
11 April 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

To whom it may concern, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust would like to thank the Planning Inspectorate for the opportunity to become an interested party in this planning application. We have been in communication with ABP during the pre-application process regarding this project, and will request further correspondence to ensure our views are understood and that any questions are answered. Additionally, we have responded to the statutory consultation period for the Immingham Green Energy Terminal (IGET), which is an adjacent NSIP application also submitted by the Applicant (ABP). We have specific concerns for the cumulative impact of these projects and how they may affect local ecosystems and regional environmental health. Therefore, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust would appreciate the opportunity to express our concerns through the examination process. Ultimately, our goal is to work with industry, developers and regulators to help ensure that sustainable development is carried out in an appropriate and nature-positive way, and not at the expense of the environment. In brief, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust consider the main issues and impacts of this development to be those affecting the habitats and species both on site and within the surrounding area, and how negative effects felt here will degrade the integrity of the ecological networks of the wider region. A brief overview of our main points of concern: - The impacts of capital dredging to the protected features of the Humber Estuary SAC, SPA, RAMSAR and SSSI - Cumulative impacts of maintenance dredging within the Humber Estuary - Alternative use or safe disposal of dredged material - Impacts of pile-driving noise within the Humber Estuary - Impacts of increased sediment suspension from construction-related activities - Long-term cumulative impacts of shipping noise and emissions as a result of the project - The cumulative impact of this application and the Immingham Green Energy Terminal project on the TPO protected Long Strip Wood - Achieving a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain as a result of this development which would be supported by an appropriate post-intervention habitat monitoring and management plan for a minimum period of 40 years to match the scheme lifetime If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Kieran McCloskey Conservation Officer Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust