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Cyngor i Steve Haberfield

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Steve Haberfield
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
13 Ionawr 2015
Math o ymholiad

The Planning Inspectorate gave advice to interested party regarding examination events.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Thank you for notifying us that you wish to attend the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) Hearing on 4 February 2015.

As indicated in the letter issued today by the ExA, the purpose of the hearing is to discuss the requirements contained in the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) submitted by the applicant. I added your name to the list of attendees and speakers should you decide to participate at the hearing as indicated in your email.

I understand that you are also concerned with the attendance of another interested party. MPs and other political representatives have to register a relevant representation and become interested parties in the same way as the public do. Once registered as an interested party they have the same status and entitlements as any other interested party in terms of their participation in the examination. The Examining authority will not assume that the views of any interested parties who are also political representatives are necessarily indicative of the views of local communities affected by an application. At any hearing the Examining Authority have discretion to hear from people who have not registered as an interested party if they are raising matters of interest and there is time to hear them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any more assistance.