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Advice to Alan Hargreaves

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Alan Hargreaves
Date advice given
20 June 2018
Enquiry type

I have written to both my local MP Andrea Leadsom and also our local authority South Northants District Council regarding the potential inadequacy of the “cumulative impacts Assessments” produced by both Roxhill(Northampton Gateway) and Rail Central (Ashfield Land) as part of their phase two consultation.

South Northants District Council have already replied to me regarding the potential inadequacy of the “Cumulative Assessments”, a matter they will be taking up with you directly, they were not however able to clarify the timing issue regarding when the “Cumulative Impacts Assessment “should be undertaken, and for that matter what” considered/dealt” with actually means.

Advice given

A cumulative impact assessment forms part of the Environmental Statement that will be submitted with any application; it is prepared by the applicant at the pre-application stage. It is then considered and examined by the Examining Authority during the examination stage.

We apologise for any confusion caused by our advice, which as I hope you now understand, was consistent.