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Advice to Tommy Gilchrist

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Tommy Gilchrist
Date advice given
25 June 2018
Enquiry type

Comments in relation to the developer's pre-application consultation and potential issues for examination were raised regarding the Northampton Gateway application.

Advice given

Consultation material presented by the developer at the pre-application stage is not “the application”. The pre-application process is intended to allow the developer to gather useful information from the public and others that will influence the preparation of the application that is eventually submitted. The consultation material presented must be clear and informative, but it is not necessarily a draft version of the application.

The Relevant Representation stage is the point at which comments on the scheme can be submitted to the Examining Authority. This is when anybody who wants to become an Interested Party and take part in the examination can register. You must register separately for each Development Consent Order (DCO) application you wish to be an interested party for. You can register individually, or as part of a group for example a household or Action Group, or organisation; providing all those in the group or organisation have similar views. However it is important to note that that you can’t register as two individuals for example ‘Mr and Mrs’ – Individuals must register separately. For more information on registering please see Advice Note 8.2

The Relevant Representation period for Northampton Gateway opens 28 June. The Application documents have now been published on our website and are available to view on the project specific webpage:

At the Relevant Representation stage we are seeking your views on the DCO application as it has been submitted. Any Relevant Representation should relate to the application. It must include a summary of points which you agree and/or disagree with about the application, highlighting what you consider to be the main issues and impacts. The Relevant Representation form can be accessed online once registration begins, or if required supplied in hard copy if those who wish to complete a hard copy form contact the Planning Inspectorate and request this.

The Examining Authority will use the views put forward in the Relevant Representations, to carry out an initial assessment of the principal issues. After the close of the registration period, all Relevant Representations will be published on the project webpage on the National Infrastructure Planning website.

After the close of the Relevant Representation period the Examining Authority will invite interested parties to attend an initial Meeting, known as the “Preliminary Meeting”. The invitation is emailed or posted to Interested Parties at least 21 days before the Preliminary Meeting is held. The invitation will include the Examining Authority’s initial assessment of principal issues.

The purpose of the Preliminary Meeting is to consider how the application will be Examined. Each Examination is unique and is designed to reflect the particular circumstances of each case. At the Preliminary Meeting, the parties will be able to comment on a draft Examination Timetable. After the close of the Preliminary Meeting, the Examination will begin.

The Examination is the period during which the appointed Examining Authority gather evidence and test information about the application from Interested Parties. This is primarily a written process with deadlines clearly set out in the Examination timetable. Interested Parties can also make representations orally at hearings, which are supplemental to written submissions.

Further information covering a range of process matters in relation to the Planning Act 2008 process can be found on our website: