
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 475 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Christopher Ernest Wheeler

    When I lived in Dartford and schooled in Gravesend, Swanscombe peninsula was but a bike ride away and I frequently visited it. My current knowledge is historical as I have not lived in the area for... Read more

  • David Moss

    I wish to assess the environmental impact of the construction process, lifetime carbon footprint and the ongoing environmental management of the area to ensure this development is sustainable and... Read more

  • David Wilson

    My wife and I have lived in Swanscombe for 8 years and are very aware of the detrimental effect of development that has been taking place all around us as part of the Ebbsfleet Garden City... Read more

  • Helen Cannell

    I am writing as a hugely concerned member of the British public. We have a catastrophic global climate emergency on our hands...our very future is at stake! If we bulldoze a that is left of our... Read more

  • Judith Sullivan

    I am concerned about the threat to wildlife on the Swanscombe Peninsula should this planning application be approved because I am really disturbed by the enormous loss of biodiversity in this country.... Read more

  • Margaret Gordon

    The Swanscombe site is a haven for wildlife and holds some rare species. It is a necessary area to maintain as it is. It cannot be reproduced by 'moving soil elsewhere' for instance. A concreted over... Read more

  • Peter Martin Harman

    The Swanscombe and Greenhithe Residents’ Association would like to raise the following concerns: Does the extent of the proposed development protect the ecology of the site? The site is frequently... Read more

  • Save Swanscombe Peninsula (Save Swanscombe Peninsula)

    Save Swanscombe Peninsula (SSP) is a community group (643 members) founded to protect the Peninsula as a community asset due to its great environmental value. We oppose the Development promoted by... Read more

  • Swanscombe and Greenhitrhe Residents’ Association (Swanscombe and Greenhitrhe Residents’ Association)

    The Swanscombe and Greenhithe Residents’ Association would like to raise the following concerns: Does the extent of the proposed development protect the ecology of the site? The site is frequently... Read more

  • Totteridge Estates Limited (Totteridge Estates Limited)

    My commercial involvement with the Northfleet Ind Estate dates back to 1987 when I acted as Commercial property agent for Clients, and over the years have acted for other Landlords down on the estate... Read more

  • Vitesse Investments Ltd Buckland Dartford Ltd & PMG (Vitesse Investments Ltd Buckland Dartford Ltd & PMG)

    My Name is Douglas Hilton. I represent Vitesse Investments Ltd, Buckland Dartford Ltd and am a director of the peninsular management company (PMG) I am the principle director of the above two... Read more

  • Andrew Emmerson

    We are currently in a biodiversity crisis and a site like Swanscombe should not be destroyed by development. Numerous redlisted bird species use the site as well as 250 invertebrate species of... Read more

  • Arthur Gelling

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of habitats and wildlife. It features a unique mosaic of coastal habitat, grassland, scrub and wetlands, and Natural England have recommended it be... Read more

  • Dan Bramwell

    I am a private individual who, prior to retirement, advised the businesses on the Swanscombe Peninsular, as a Public Affairs Consultant, and have grave concerns about this application, namely: * How... Read more

  • Elizabeth Parry

    Planners should be encouraging restoration, not profit-making enterprises of no intrinsic value. This site is more valuable as its designation implies – an SSSI – to allow nationally important... Read more

  • Eric Lees

    If said planning goes ahead unique diversity and habitat will be lost. In the current climate this goes against all common sense to proceed with such devastating actions. Not only Swanscombe bay but... Read more

  • Horticultural Works (Horticultural Works)

    I am a Director of Horticultural Works. We occupy Unit [] under a leasehold interest. Our property is within the boundary of the London Resort Development Consent Order. If development consent is... Read more

  • Jane Robins

    Natual England has declared that the Swanscombe Penninsula should be declared a SSSI due to its unique hstory and the wealth of invertebrates, wild life species and plantlife, including endangered... Read more

  • Jennifer Williams

    Swanscombe is a unique, precious habitat supporting hundreds of rare and special species. Allowing it to be destroyed or fragmented would be a tragedy. Biodiversity is not lost in one fell swoop, it... Read more

  • Jetstream Tours (Jetstream Tours)

    Our company is responsible for the operation of the Gravesend to Tilbury ferry, which is operated on behalf of Kent County Council. The contract is partly funded by Thurrock Borough Council and both... Read more

  • John Rees Puckett

    I visited this site some years ago with the Kent group of the Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI). I was struck by the botanical diversity and the number of rare plants recorded. I was... Read more

  • Kerry Moore

    We need special nature, wildlife and natural spaces far more than a theme park. So let's build it somewhere else, somewhere less important- preferably a brown field space. Thank you

  • Kevin Herring

    I am a local resident of Greenhithe and, as such, I frequently visit Swanscombe Marshes with my dogs. The area in which I live is becoming increasingly built up and very little open space remains. A... Read more

  • Kevin Rylands

    We are in the midst of a climate and biodiversity crisis, to have to campaign to save one of the UK’s most important wildlife sites against this backdrop shows these dangers are ignored. Add in the... Read more

  • Lesley Wertheimer

    There have been many authenticated studies into the economic and health benefits of wildlife sites. These areas are open and free to everyone. Unlike amusement parks which many cannot access due to... Read more